R 385
Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)RulesRules relating to the Registration by Medical Practitioners and Dentists of Additional QualificationsRule 2Rule 2(b) Colleges - Other South African QualificationsCollege of Medicine of South Africa |
Examining authority |
Qualification |
Abbreviation for registration |
College of Medicine of South Africa |
Fellow |
FC Rad Diag (SA) |
Fellow of the College of Paediatric Surgeons of South Africa |
FC Paed Surg (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists |
FFA (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Community Health (Community Medicine) |
FFCH (CM) (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Community Health |
Fellow of the Faculty of Dermatology |
FF Derm (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology |
FF Path (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology (Anatomical Pathology) |
FF Path (SA) Anat |
Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology (Blood Transfusion) |
FF Path (SA) Blood Transfusion |
Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology (Chemical Pathology) |
FF Path (SA) Chem |
Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology (Haematology) |
FF Path (SA) Haemat |
Fellow of the Faculty of Pathology (Microbiology) |
FF Path (SA) Microb |
Fellow of the Faculty of Physical Medicine |
FF Phys Med (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Psychiatry |
FF Psych (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Radiology (Diagnostic) |
FF Rad (D) (SA) |
Fellow of the Faculty of Radiology (Therapeutic) |
FF Rad (T) (SA) |
Fellow in Forensic Pathology |
FFor Path (SA) |
Member of the Faculty of General Practice |
Higher Diploma in Genito-Urinary/HIV Medicine |
Dip GU/HIV Med SA |
Higher Diploma in Sexual Health and HIV Medicine |
H Dip Sexual Health and HIV Med |
Certificate in Paediatric Neurology |
Cert Paed Neurol (SA) |
Certificate in Gynaecological Oncology |
Cert Gyn Oncol (SA) |
Certificate in Trauma Surgery |
Cert Trauma Surg (SA) |
Certificate in Urogynaecology |
Cert Urogynaecology (SA) |
Diploma in Anaesthetics |
DA (SA) |
Diploma in Child Health |
DCH (SA) |
Diploma in Cytology |
Dip Cyto (SA) |
Diploma in Forensic Medicine |
DFor Med (SA) |
Diploma in HIV Management |
Dip HIV Man |
Diploma in Mental Health |
DMH (SA) |
Diploma in Ophthalmology |
Dip Ophth (SA) |
Diploma in Primary Emergency Care |
Dip Pec (SA) |
Diploma in Sleep Medicine |
Dip Sleep Med (SA) |
Diploma in Travel Medicine |
Dip Travel Med (SA) |