Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)RulesRules relating to the Registration by Medical Practitioners and Dentists of Additional QualificationsRule 2Rule 2(b) Colleges - Other South African QualificationsCollege of Pathologists of South Africa |
Examining authority |
Qualification |
Abbreviation for registration |
College of Pathologists of South Africa |
Certificate in Infectious Diseases |
Cert ID(SA) Path |
Fellow (Anatomical Pathology) |
FC Path (SA) ANAT |
Fellow (Chemical Pathology) |
FC Path (SA) CHEM |
Fellow (Clinical Pathology) |
FC Path (SA) CLIN |
Fellow (Haematology) |
FC Path (SA) HAEM |
Fellow (Medical Microbiology) |
FC Path (SA) MICRO |
Fellow (Oral Pathology) |
FC Path (SA) Oral |
Fellow (Virology) |
FC Path (SA) VIRO |