Acts Online
GT Shield

Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act No. 56 of 1974)


Rules relating to the Registration by Medical Practitioners and Dentists of Additional Qualifications

Rule 2

Rule 2(b) Universities - Other South African Qualifications

University of Cape Town


Examining authority


Abbreviation for registration

Cape Town, University of


Doctor of Medicine

MD Cape Town


Doctor of Philosophy

PhD Cape Town


(If awarded in a discipline recognised in terms of the Act)


Master of Family Medicine and Primary Care

MFam (Med) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Anaesthetics)

MMed (Anaes) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Community Health)

MMed (Community Health) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Dermatology)

MMed (Derm) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Family Medicine)

MMed (Fam Med) Cape Town


Master of Medicine in Emergency Medicine

MMed (Emerg Med) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Medicine)

MMed Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Neurology)

MMed (Neurol) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Neurosurgery)

MMed (Neurosurg) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Nuclear Medicine)

MMed (Nuc Med) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)

MMed (O & G) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Ophthalmology)

MMed (Ophth) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Orthopaedics)

MMed (Orth) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology)

MMed (Otol) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Paediatrics)

MMed (Paed) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Pathology)

MMed (Path) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Pathology (Anatomy))

MMed Path (Anat) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Pathology (Chemical))

MMed Path (Chem) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Pathology (Clinical))

MMed Path (Clin) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Pathology (Forensic))

MMed Path (Foren) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Pathology (Haematology))

MMed Path (Haem) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Pathology (Microbiology))

MMed Path (Microbiol) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)

MMed (Plast & Recon Surg) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Psychiatry)

MMed (Psych) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Radiodiagnosis)

MMed (Red D) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Radiotherapy)

MMed (Red T) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Surgery)

MMed (Surg) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Thoracic Surgery)

MMed (Thor Surg) Cape Town


Master of Medicine (Urology)

MMed (Urol) Cape Town


Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

MO & G Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)

MPhil (Child and Adol Psych) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Emergency Medicine)

MPhil (Emergency Medicine) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Family Medicine/Primary Care)

MPhil (ram Med/Prim Care) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Maternal and Child Health)

MPhil (MCH) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Medical Genetics)

MPhil (Medical Genetics) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Occupational Health)

MPhil (Occup Health) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Paediatric Pathology)

MPhil (Paed Path) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Palliative Medicine)

MPhil (Palliative Med) Cape Town


Master of Philosophy (Sport Medicine)

MPhil (Sports Med) Cape Town


Master of Public Health

MPH Cape Town


Master of Surgery

ChM Cape Town


Master of Surgery (Ophthalmology)

ChM (Ophth) Cape Town


Master of Surgery (Orthopaedics)

ChM (Orth) Cape Town


Master of Surgery (Otorhinolaryngology)

ChM (Otol) Cape Town


Diploma in Cardiac Surgery

DCS Cape Town


Diploma in Community Medicine

DCM Cape Town


Diploma in Medical Radiology

DMR Cape Town


Diploma in Occupational Health

DOH Cape Town


Diploma in Palliative Medicine

Dip Palliative Med Cape Town


Diploma in Psychological Medicine

DPM Cape Town


Diploma in Public Health

DPH Cape Town


Diploma in Obstetrics

Dip Obst Cape Town


Postgraduate Diploma in Interdisciplinary Pain Management

PGDip (Interdisciplinary Pain Management) Cape Town


Postgraduate Diploma in TB-HIV Management

PGDip (TB-HIV Management) Cape Town


Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health

PGDip (Occupational Health) UCT


[Rule 2(b) substituted by section 2(a) of Board Notice 687, GG51526, dated 8 November 2024]