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Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of Stellenbosch University, 2019Chapter 2 : GovernanceFaculty Boards25. Meetings |
(1) | A meeting of a faculty board must be held before every ordinary meeting of the Senate. |
(2) | The dean: |
(a) | may call an extraordinary meeting at any time, and |
(b) | must do so at the written request of one quarter or more of the members of the faculty board. |
(3) | The purpose of an extraordinary meeting must be stated clearly and no other business may be conducted at the meeting. |
(4) | The dean presides at a meeting of the faculty board. |
(5) | If the dean is absent, the deputy dean, or if there are more than one deputy dean, one of them nominated by the dean, presides at the meeting. |
(6) | If the dean and the deputy dean or all deputy deans are absent, the secretary must request the members present to elect a chairperson for that meeting from their ranks by a show of hands. |
(7) | The quorum for a meeting of a faculty board is one third of the members. |
(8) | If for any reason there is no quorum within half an hour after the scheduled time for the meeting, the chairperson for that meeting must postpone it to a time, or a time and date not more than five working days later, at which meeting the members present form a quorum. |
(9) | A faculty board must take a decision by a majority of votes of members present and voting, each member having one vote. In the event of an equality of votes, the chairperson may exercise a casting vote, except in an election, where the procedure in clause 12(3) applies, until a candidate, or the prescribed number of candidates, receive a majority of votes. |
(10) | A faculty board must determine the procedures for its meetings in accordance with the rules. |
(11) | The chairperson may invite any person to attend a meeting of the faculty board, but such a person may not vote on any matter. |