Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of Stellenbosch University, 2019Chapter 2 : GovernanceStudent Representative Council26. Establishment and composition |
(1) | There is a Student Representative Council (SRC) that represents the interests of the student community and functions in terms of institutional rules for that community called the Student Constitution. |
(2) | The Student Constitution must be approved by the Council, and must prescribe, subject to this Statute, the membership, composition and manner of election of the SRC, the powers, duties, functions and privileges of the SRC, as well as the procedures for the election of the office bearers of the SRC and the amendment of the Student Constitution. |
(3) | An election for members of the SRC must be held each year, and a member serves from the establishment of an SRC until the establishment of the next SRC, but may be elected for more than one term as determined by the Student Constitution. |
(4) | If the election of members of the SRC is not concluded at the appointed time, or the SRC is not established properly after an election, membership of the SRC expires when an interim SRC is established or another appropriate arrangement is made in terms of clause 28. |
(5) | The rector may dissolve the SRC if the rector determines that the SRC is dysfunctional, but: |
(a) | before doing so the rector must give the SRC a reasonable opportunity to make written representations on why it should not be dissolved; and |
(b) | if after considering those representations the rector decides to dissolve the SRC, the rector must do so in writing, stating the reasons for the decision. |