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Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of Stellenbosch University, 2019Chapter 2 : GovernanceInstitutional Forum32. Chairpersons and meetings |
(1) | Every three years, the Institutional Forum, at a meeting, must elect from its ranks a chairperson and deputy chairperson, but they may not serve for more than two consecutive terms. |
(2) | For purposes of the election, the outgoing chairperson or, if the outgoing chairperson is not present, the outgoing deputy chairperson or another member of the Institutional Forum elected by the members present by a show of hands, acts as chairperson of the meeting until the chairperson is elected. |
(3) | A nomination for chairperson or deputy chairperson must be in writing, must be submitted to the registrar before the meeting, must be signed by two members of the Institutional Forum and must be accompanied by a signed declaration by the nominee accepting the nomination. |
(4) | At the election for the chairperson or deputy chairperson, the procedure in clause 12(3) applies, until a candidate receives a majority of votes. |
(5) | The same procedure is followed for the election of the deputy chairperson, except that the functions of the chairperson at the meeting are performed by the newly-elected chairperson. |
(6) | The Institutional Forum must meet on the dates determined in the University calendar. |
(7) | The chairperson: |
(a) | may call an extraordinary meeting at any time, and |
(b) | must do so on the written request of one quarter or more of the members of the Institutional Forum. |
(8) | The purpose of an extraordinary meeting must be stated clearly and no other business may be conducted at the meeting. |
(9) | If both the chairperson and the deputy chairperson are absent from a meeting, the secretary must call on the members present to elect a chairperson for that meeting from their ranks by a show of hands. |
(10) | The quorum for a meeting is one half plus one of the members. |
(11) | If for any reason there is no quorum within half an hour after the time the meeting was scheduled to start, the chairperson for that meeting must postpone it to a time, or a time and date not more than five days later, at which meeting the members present form a quorum. |
(12) | The Institutional Forum must take a decision by a majority of votes of members present and voting, each member having one vote. In the event of an equality of votes, the chairperson may exercise a casting vote, except in an election where the procedure in clause 12(3) applies, until a candidate, or the prescribed number of candidates, receive a majority of votes. |
(13) | The Institutional Forum must determine the procedures for its meetings in accordance with the rules. |
(14) | The chairperson may invite any person to attend a meeting of the Institutional Forum, but such a person may not vote on any matter. |