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Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesMinimum Admission Requirements for Higher Certificate, Diploma and Degree Programmes requiring a National Certificate (Vocational) at Level 4 of the National Qualifications Framework2. Policy considerations |
The Higher Education Act, 1997 ensures that policies of higher education institutions, including admissions policies are formulated with due regard for their relationship to and influence on education and training in other sectors. Institutions' admissions requirements, policies and practices are expected to advance the objectives of the Higher Education Act, 1997 and the National Qualifications Framework and must be consistent with the Minister's policies in terms of the Act. In particular, such requirements, policies and practices are expected to advance the objectives of redress, equity and quality in higher education.
This policy document and the Minimum Admission Requirements for Higher Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor's Degree Programmes Requiring a National Senior Certificate, outline the statutory minimum admission to higher education with respect to the NC (V) Level 4 and the National Senior Certificate respectively.
The setting of the admission requirements is made by Higher Education South Africa (HESA) in terms of section 74 of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997. HESA is the successor to the South African University Vice-Chancellors Association (SAUVCA) and the Committee of Technikon Principals (CTP). In this regard, HESA is recognised as the body responsible for setting the minimum admission requirements for the Higher Certificate, Diploma and Degree Programmes requiring the NC(V) Level4.
In terms of Regulation 8(1) of the National Standards Bodies Regulations, 1998, the NC(V) Level 4 qualification must:
(a) | represent a planned combination of Learning Outcomes that have a defined purpose or purposes, and which are intended for providing qualifying students with applied competence and a basis for further learning; |
(b) | add value to the qualifying student in terms of enrichment of the person; |
(c) | provide benefits to society and the economy; |
(d) | comply with the objectives of the NQF; |
(e) | have both specific and critical cross-field outcomes, which promote lifelong learning; |
(f) | where applicable, be internationally comparable; |
(g) | incorporate integrated assessment; and |
(h) | indicate the rules governing the award of the qualification. |
Accordingly, the NC (V) Level 4 intends to enable students to acquire the necessary knowledge, practical skills, applied competence and understanding required for employment at an elementary level of a particular occupation or trade, or class of occupations or trades. It provides learning experiences in situations contextually relevant to the particular vocational area in which the programme is situated. The NC (V) level 4 offers programmes in the form of subjects that consist of academic knowledge and theory integrated with the practical skills and values specific to each vocational area.
While the NC(V) Level 4 makes the student eligible for admission to higher education, it does not guarantee a student admission to any programme of study. Within the context of this policy, the right of higher education institutions to set specific admission requirements to particular programmes is confirmed in terms of section 37 of the Higher Education Act.
In keeping with the objectives of the National Qualifications Framework the Ministry of Education supports wider and more diverse access to higher education and fairer progression pathways within the system.
As at present, institutional admission policies must allow for alternative routes of entry that are equivalent to the National Senior Certificate or the NCV(Level 4), including the assessment of an adult student's capacity to benefit from a particular programme through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or other means. This document does not otherwise prescribe such alternative routes.