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Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesStandard Institutional Statute, 2018Chapter 1 : Definitions1. Definitions |
In this Statute any word or expression to which a meaning has been assigned by the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) as amended, has the meaning so assigned to it, and unless the context otherwise indicates:
includes distance education, but is not limited thereto;
means any lecturer appointed to teach or to do research at the University and any other employee designated as such by the Council of the University;
means the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) as amended;
also means nominate;
means the person as contemplated in Chapter 3;
means the Convocation as contemplated in Chapter 9;
means the governing body of the University as contemplated in Chapter 5;
includes Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays;
means the head of a faculty of the University;
means a person, body or entity who has made a donation, which, in the opinion of the Council, warrants that person, body or entity being recognised as a donor as contemplated in Chapter 13;
means an academic or a non-academic employee of the University;
means the Principal, Vice-Principals and other senior employees designated by the Principal;
means a person appointed by the Council for purposes of assisting the Principal as contemplated in paragraph 12;
include powers and duties and vice versa;
means a person who is regarded as having complied with all his or her financial obligations towards the University after having completed his/her studies at the University, or in the case of a student who is currently enrolled at the University, has made reasonable and satisfactory arrangements for the payment of his or her debt to the University, while not being subject to any form of previous disciplinary sanction imposed by the University;
means the Institutional Forum as contemplated in Chapter 8;
mean rules made by the University as contemplated in section 32 of the Act and include all the regulations and policy documents of the University;
means the Minister responsible for tertiary education;
means any employee who is not an academic employee;
means a functionary provided for in the Act or determined by the Council;
means an academic employee or any other person who has been given the title of professor by the University and includes an associate, adjunct, honorary and extraordinary professor;
means a certificate, diploma or degree as approved by the Senate and Council;
means a person as defined in the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, as amended;
means an organisation which consists of employees organised in a staff association or trade union for the purpose of regulating relations between themselves and the University and which is recognised by the Executive on such conditions as have been negotiated between the Executive and the employee organisation, and which recognition and conditions have been reduced to writing in a collective or recognition agreement;
means the seat as contemplated in paragraph 2 of this Statute and section 65A of the Act;
means the body responsible for academic matters as contemplated in Chapter 6;
means the Executive plus the Deans of all faculties as well as heads/directors of support services so designated by the Principal: Provided that for purposes of paragraph 37(1)(c) it means the Executive only;
means a person as defined in the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, as amended;
means the Student Representative Council as contemplated in paragraph 59;
means the statute framed and in force as contemplated in section 32 of the Act;
means a person registered for a qualification at the University;
means the University of Pretoria;
means a person appointed by the Council for purposes of assisting the Principal as contemplated in paragraph 12;
means any notice in writing and includes any notice sent as contemplated by the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (Act No. 25 of 2002), or any act that amends or replaces it.