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Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesStandard Institutional Statute, 2018Chapter 10 : Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates51. Honorary degrees |
(1) | Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the University may, on the resolution of Council and of Senate, and without examination, confer an honorary doctorate it deems appropriate upon any person whom the University may deem worthy of such a degree: Provided that the holder of such a degree which has been conferred honoris causa, shall not, by the fact that he or she has been admitted thereto, be entitled to practise any profession. |
(2) | A candidate for the award of an honorary degree shall be selected by a selection committee consisting of the Senate Executive with the addition of the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of Council: Provided that the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson of Council may each nominate a member of Council as his or her representative on the selection committee. |
(3) | The name of the candidate recommended by the selection committee shall be submitted to Senate. |
(4) | Senate shall vote by secret ballot and without preliminary discussion on the candidate recommended by the selection committee: Provided that Senate shall not discuss or deal with any proposal not recommended by the selection committee. |
(5) | The name of the candidate who has obtained an ordinary majority of the votes of the members of Senate present at the meeting shall be submitted to the Council. |
(6) | Council shall vote by secret ballot and without preliminary discussion on the candidate recommended by Senate: Provided that Council shall not discuss or deal with any proposal not recommended by the selection committee and Senate. |
(7) | The honorary degree shall be awarded to the candidate who has obtained a majority vote of the members of Council present at the meeting, at the time and place determined by the Principal: Provided that no honorary degree shall be conferred posthumously. |
(8) | In the event that Council is of the opinion that a recipient of an honorary degree from the University of Pretoria has brought the University’s name into disrepute and is no longer deemed to be worthy of the award, Council may revoke such honorary degree after consultation with Senate. |
(9) | Prior to the Council revoking the honorary degree, Council must— |
(a) | notify the recipient of the qualification concerned that a revocation is being considered; |
(b) | provide the recipient with relevant information justifying the intended action; |
(c) | provide the recipient with an opportunity to present his or her case; and |
(d) | consider the submissions and representations of the recipient. |