Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesStandard Institutional Statute47. Meeting procedures of convocation |
(1) | Fifty members constitute a quorum at a meeting of the convocation, provided that, if no quorum is present the meeting may adjourn and an extraordinary meeting may be convened with at least seven days notice, at which the members present constitute a quorum. |
(2) | Notwithstanding the absence of a quorum at an annual meeting, such meeting may proceed to elect office bearers and to dispose of other formal matters, but no motions may be submitted at such meeting. |
(3) | After its constitution, by reading the notice in terms of which it was convened, a meeting commences with the reading and confirmation, by the signature of the chairperson, of the minutes of the previous ordinary meeting and of all subsequent extraordinary meetings. |
(4) | Any objection to such minutes must be raised and determined prior to their confirmation. |
(5) | A member may not, without the permission of the meeting speak more than once on a motion or amendment thereof, but the mover of the motion or amendment may reply. |
(6) | All matters are decided by a majority of the members present. |
(7) | In addition to his or her ordinary vote, the chairperson has a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes. |
(8) | If a meeting so resolves, the number of votes in favour of or against a motion must be recorded in the minutes, and, at the request of a member, the chairperson must further direct that the vote of such member be likewise recorded. |
(9) | A motion or amendment thereof must be seconded, and if the chairperson directs, such motion or amendment must be in writing. |
(10) | A motion or amendment may not be withdrawn without the permission of the meeting. |
(11) | The chairperson may permit the discussion of a matter of which notice was not duly given, provided such discussion is unopposed. |
(12) | The ruling of the chairperson on a point of order of procedure is binding, unless immediately challenged by a member, in which event such ruling must be submitted without discussion to the meeting, whose decision is final. |
(13) | A copy of the resolutions of the convocation, and a statement on such other matters as the convocation may determine, duly certified by the chairperson and secretary are submitted to the chairperson of the council for the information of the council and to the principal for the information of the senate. |