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Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of North West UniversityChapter 2 : Governance and Other Structures13. Establishment and composition |
(1) | There is a senate composed of— |
(a) | the vice-chancellor; |
(b) | the vice-principal; |
(c) | the deputy vice-chancellors; |
(d) | the registrar; |
(e) | the executive directors |
(f) | the executive deans; |
(g) | the deputy deans |
(h) | thirty-two academic employees elected by the academic employees in faculties in accordance with the rules; |
(i) | two employees elected by the support employees from among their members; |
(j) | four students, whom one must be the SRC chairperson, and one each from the respective SCCs. |
(k) | the chairperson of the council, or his or her delegate, and one other council member elected by the council in accordance with paragraph 12; |
(l) | eight academic employees co-opted by the senate on the recommendation of the senate standing committees, in accordance with the rules, to improve representation in respect of junior academic employees, race, gender and disability. |
(2) | Six employees respectively responsible for research and teaching-learning support, library services, quality enhancement, globalisation and IT services attend senate meetings as observers. |
(3) | Membership of the senate terminates if a member— |
(a) | resigns in writing to the chairperson; |
(b) | ceases to be an employee of the university; |
(c) | is absent from three consecutive meetings of the senate without prior apology having been made to and accepted by the chairperson; |
(d) | is declared insolvent by a court of law; |
(e) | is convicted of any offence involving dishonesty or for which the sentence is imprisonment without the option of a fine; |
(f) | becomes incapacitated, or his/her continued membership is deemed improper after a due process in accordance with the prescribed code of conduct, taking into consideration the provisions of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000; |
(g) | is a member in terms of subparagraph (1)(h) to (l) and ceases to be a member of the body that designated or elected the member; |
(h) | is found guilty of contravening an applicable code of conduct or the rules in disciplinary proceedings against the member in terms of paragraph 68, and the senate confirms a recommendation by a disciplinary committee to terminate membership. |
(4) | The provisions of paragraph 5 apply, with the necessary changes, to the election of the members of the senate referred to in subparagraphs 1(h) to (k). |