R 385
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of North West UniversityChapter 3 : Office Bearers of University38. Nomination and election |
(1) | Any person from the categories of persons represented in the institutional forum may nominate a candidate for the office of chancellor on the nomination form prescribed by and made available by the registrar. |
(2) |
(a) | The proposer, the nominee and at least five seconders must sign a nomination form. The proposer must submit the completed form to the registrar. No person may sign more than one nomination form, either as proposer or seconder. |
(b) | The registrar must compile a list of all the nominations received and must forthwith submit the list of nominations to the executive committee of the council. |
(3) | The executive committee of the council must consider the list and must submit not more than three names from the list to the council for decision. |
(4) | Members of council may add names to the list of nominations put before the council in terms of subparagraph (3) and those additional persons are duly nominated. |
(5) | The registrar must inform every member of the council of all nominations received in terms of subparagraphs (2), (3) and (4) at least ten days prior to the meeting at which the election of the chancellor will take place. |
(6) | The chancellor is elected in a secret ballot by a majority of votes of the members of the council present at an ordinary meeting of the council or at a meeting specially convened for that purpose. |