Gold Membership
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of the University of Fort HareChapter 4 : Council30. Term of office |
(1) | The Vice-Chancellor is a member of Council for as long as he/she remains in office. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor nominated by the Management Executive Committee may, with the approval of Council, be rotated annually. |
(2) | The term of office of the members of the SRC on Council corresponds with the term of office of the SRC that elected them. |
(3) | The term of office of all other members of Council is four years, provided that a member whose term of office has expired may, as an interim measure, be extended by Council once-off for a maximum period of six months should Council believe that special circumstances so demand. |
(4) | Members of Council whose terms of office have expired may be re-elected or re-appointed, provided that members, excluding ex officio members, may not serve more than two consecutive terms. |
(5) | A Council member's membership is terminated— |
(a) | when the term of office expires; |
(b) | upon death or incapacity; |
(c) | if the Council member fails to attend three consecutive ordinary meetings of Council without the consent of Council; |
(d) | if the Council member is sequestrated; |
(e) | if the Council member is found guilty of conduct that in the exclusive opinion of Council is of such a nature that the member's ability to exercise his or her fiduciary duties and obligations is compromised and that continued membership of Council is not desirable; |
(f) | if a Council member, who is also a member of staff or a student of the University, is found guilty of misconduct in terms of the Disciplinary Code of the University which, in the opinion of Council, is of such a serious nature that the member's continued membership of Council is not desirable; |
(g) | if the Council member is elected or appointed by a particular interest group and the Council member’s membership of, or association with the interest group is terminated; |
(h) | if Council rules, after following due process, that the continued membership of a member is undesirable due to a conflict of interest; |
(i) | if the Council member has transgressed Council's Code of Conduct. |
(j) | if a person is disqualified in terms of the Act to serve on a Council, or if the member is declared a delinquent director or is removed from an office of trust by a court of law or is convicted of an offence for which the sentence is imprisonment without the option of a fine. |
(6) | Constituencies who appointed or nominated persons to Council shall be informed by the Registrar of any termination in accordance with subparagraph (5). |
(7) | Apart from the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Senate and employee elected members and the students appointed by the SRC to serve on Council, no other member of Council shall be a permanent or temporary member of staff or a student (undergraduate or postgraduate) of the University, and should this happen, such Council member's membership of Council terminates automatically. |
(8) | All Council members elected or appointed to Council are entitled, at any time, to submit their resignations in writing to the Chairperson of Council. This does not apply to members that serve in Council ex officio. |