Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of the University of Fort HareChapter 5 : Senate39. Functions and accountability |
(1) | The Senate is accountable to the Council for academic, research and community engagement activities as contemplated in section 28(1) of the Act. |
(2) | The functions of the Senate are as follows: |
(a) | provides academic leadership and debates matters of academic principle; |
(b) | promotes an institutional culture of high academic and ethical standards; |
(c) | ensures the academic quality of programmes, research and community engagement activities; |
(d) | recommends to Council policy regarding admission, teaching, learning, assessment, research, quality assurance, community engagement and other matters that form part of its functions; |
(e) | determines guidelines for the appointment and promotion of academic employees, advises the Council in this regard, and makes recommendations on the appointment of academic and senior academic employees in terms of subsection 34(2) of the Act; |
(f) | submits recommendations to Council on the organisation of and structures for teaching, learning, research and community engagement; |
(g) | submits recommendations to Council on the introduction or suspension of degrees, diplomas, certificates, programmes, courses and subjects; |
(h) | determines the Rules for degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic programmes; |
(i) | considers and approves recommendations from its committees, including Faculty Boards; |
(j) | ensures legal compliance in regard to academic matters; |
(k) | advises academic management structures on the management of matters relating to Senate functions; |
(l) | advises the Council on the Library and Information Services in regard to academic matters; |
(m) | recommends to the Council matters related to academic development and support services, professional specialist services for students, student discipline, the constitution of the University Student Representative Council, and other student matters of an academic or academic-related nature; |
(n) | determines and submits recommendations to the Council on matters delegated or entrusted to it by Council; |
(o) | submits to the Council such reports on its work as may be required by the Council, and submits at its own discretion other recommendations to the Council in respect of other academic-related matters affecting the University; |
(p) | establishes committees to promote its functions; |
(q) | may delegate any of its powers and functions to its Executive Committee or any other Senate committee, member or members of the Senate, or an official of the University, but remains responsible and accountable for powers and functions so delegated; |
(r) | advises the Council on the procedure for the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellors and the Registrar; |
(s) | with the approval of Council determines |
(i) | the entrance requirements in respect of particular programmes; |
(ii) | the number of students who may be admitted for a particular programme and the manner of their selection; |
(iii) | the minimum requirements for readmission to study at the university. |
(iv) | the language policy of the University; |
(t) | with the approval of Council, may refuse readmission to a student who fails to satisfy such minimum requirements for readmission as determined in subparagraph (s)(iii). |
(u) | fulfils such other functions and tasks as determined by the Council or as described in the Rules. |