Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of the University of Fort HareChapter 5 : Senate48. Faculty Boards |
(1) | The Faculty Board of every Faculty is a standing committee of the Senate. |
(2) | A Faculty Board |
(a) | governs and regulates the activities of the Faculty in accordance with the Rules and the policies of the University; |
(b) | considers and recommends to the Senate the Academic programmes (both subsidised and non-subsidised) offered by Faculties; |
(c) | promotes research in the Faculty; |
(d) | submits recommendations to the Senate on matters that affect the Faculty as well as matters referred to it by the Senate; |
(e) | appoints subcommittees of the Faculty Board; and |
(f) | fulfil such other functions as the Rules and/or Senate may describe. |
(3) | The composition of a Faculty Board is determined by Senate after consultation with the Faculty Board. |
(4) | The Council appoints a Dean for every Faculty in accordance with the Rules approved by Council, who is accountable to the relevant Faculty Board, Senate, the Management Executive Committee and Council and fulfils the functions as described in the Rules. |
(5) | The Dean of a Faculty is the Chairperson of the relevant Faculty Board. |
(6) | Membership of Faculty Boards, terms of office, meeting procedures and other matters relating to Faculties are reflected in the Rules and approved Charter. |