Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of the University of Fort HareChapter 6 : Institutional Forum55. Meetings of the Institutional Forum |
(1) | The Chairperson must convene a meeting of the Institutional Forum at least twice in each semester. The dates for meetings is set out in the University Calendar. |
(2) | Subject to the provisions of this Statute and the Rules, the Institutional Forum must determine its meeting procedures with due observance of generally accepted norms and practices of fair administrative process. |
(3) | A quorum consists of fifty per cent plus one of the total number of serving members (excluding vacancies) of the Institutional Forum. |
(4) | In the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson acts as Chairperson and in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson, the members present at a meeting of the Institutional Forum elect a member to chair the meeting. |
(5) | A written notice must be issued by the secretary to each member of the Institutional Forum at least seven days before any ordinary meeting, indicating the time, date and place of such meeting. Such notice must be accompanied by an agenda and supporting documentation as appropriate. |
(6) | Members who wish to place additional matters on the agenda must send a written request in this regard to the secretary at least five days before the date of the meeting and must provide the secretary with the documentation the member wishes to submit to the Institutional Forum. |
(7) | The Registrar must keep the minutes of the meetings and a register of the decisions of the Institutional Forum and all members of the Institutional Forum must have access to this register. |
(8) | The Chairperson or the Vice-Chancellor may convene an extraordinary meeting with four days’ notice, stating the reason for the urgent meeting and the matter(s) for discussion. |
(9) | When requested by at least one-fifth of the members of the Institutional Forum, the Chairperson must convene an extraordinary meeting, provided that the request is in writing and the matters for discussion are stated. Not less than 24 hours’ notice must be given of such a meeting. |
(10) | No matter other than that of which notice had been given can be discussed at a meeting. |
(11) | The Chairperson has an deliberative vote on every matter and, in the case of an equality of votes, also a casting vote; and |
(12) | Whenever the Chairperson so rules, voting must take place by means of a secret ballot. |