Trade Marks Act, 1993
R 385
Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of the University of Fort HareChapter 2 : Institution5. General provisions |
(1) | Notwithstanding the provisions of this Statute, it is incumbent upon the Council, the Vice-Chancellor and Management Executive Committee, employees or any person authorised to take any action in terms of this Statute on behalf of the University to ensure that any administrative action contemplated, or taken, is lawful, reasonable and procedurally fair as prescribed by the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000, as amended, and that any person whose rights may be adversely affected by such action, receives access to the information required for the exercise or protection of such rights as prescribed by the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000, as amended. |
(2) | Should any action taken in terms of this Statute have an adverse effect on the rights of any person, reasons for the action must be supplied on request to that person subject to the provisions of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000, as amended. |