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Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997)NoticesInstitutional Statute of the University of Fort HareChapter 11 : Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates79. Congregation and conferring of degrees and awarding of diplomas and certificates |
(1) | Degrees are conferred and diplomas and certificates awarded at a congregation (meeting) of the University |
(2) | A congregation is constituted in a manner prescribed by the Council, and is is presided over by the Chancellor or, in his or her absence, the Vice-Chancellor, or in his or her absence, a Deputy Vice-chancellor. |
(3) | A congregation must be held at least once a year at such a time and place as may be determined by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of Senate. |
(4) | The procedure for the presentation of candidates, the conferring of degrees, the awarding of diplomas and certificates, the wearing of academic dress and all other matters regarding congregations not provided for in this Statute, shall be as determined by Senate and approved by Council. |
(5) | No person shall receive a degree, diploma or certificate, other than an honorary degree, unless Senate or a committee of Senate certifies that such person has satisfied all the requirements for such a degree, diploma or certificate as required by section 65B of the Act. |