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Immigration Act, 2002 (Act No. 13 of 2002)RegulationsImmigration Regulations, 2014AnnexuresAnnexure B: Minimum Standards of Detention |
[Section 34(1)(e); Regulation 33(5)]
1. Accommodation
(a) | Detainees shall be provided accommodation with adequate space, lighting, ventilation, sanitary installations and general health conditions and access to basic health facilities. |
(b) | Every detainee shall be provided with a bed, mattress and at least one blanket. |
(c) | Male and female detainees shall be kept separate from each other: Provided that this does not apply to spouses. |
(d) | Detained minors shall be kept separate from adults and in accommodation appropriate to their age: Provided that minors shall not be kept separate from their parents or guardians: Provided further that unaccompanied minors shall not be detained. |
(e) | Detainees of a specific age, or falling in separate health categories or security risk categories, shall be kept separate. |
(f) | There may be a deviation from the above standards if so approved by the Director-General at a particular detention centre: Provided that such a deviation is for purposes of support services or medical treatment: Provided further that there shall not be any deviation in respect of sleeping accommodation. |
2. Nutrition
(a) | Each detainee shall be provided with an adequate balanced diet. |
(b) | The diet shall make provision for nutritional requirements of children, pregnant women and any other category of detainees whose physical condition requires a special diet. |
(c) | The medical officer may order a variation in the prescribed diet for a detainee and the intervals at which the food is served, when such variation is required for medical reasons. |
(d) | Food shall be well prepared and served at intervals not less than four and a half hours and not more than 14 hours between the evening meal and breakfast during a 24 hour period. |
(e) | Clean drinking water shall be available at all times to every detainee. |
3. Hygiene
(a) | Every detainee shall keep his or her person, clothing, bedding and room clean and tidy. |
(b) | The Department shall provide the means to comply with item 3(a). |