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Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 827 of 1962
1. Interpretation
Chapter I : Administration
2. Administration of Act
3. Exercise of powers and performance of duties
4. [Repealed] Preservation of secrecy
4A. Exercise of powers and performance of duties by Minister
Chapter II : The Taxes
Part I : Normal Tax
5. Levy of normal tax and rates thereof
6. Normal tax rebates
6A. Medical scheme fees tax credit
6B. Additional medical expenses tax credit
6C. Solar energy tax credit
6bis. [Repealed]
6ter. [Repealed]
6quat. Rebate or deduction in respect of foreign taxes on income.
6quin. Rebate in respect of foreign taxes on income from source within Republic
6sex. [Repealed] Rebate in respect of dividends tax on income of foreign companies
7. When income is deemed to have accrued or to have been received
7A. Date of receipt or accrual of antedated salaries or pensions and of certain retirement gratuities
7B. Timing of accrual and incurral of variable remuneration
7C. Loan, advance or credit granted to trust by connected person
7D. Calculation of amount of interest
7E. Time of accrual of interest payable by SARS
7F. Deduction of interest repaid to SARS
8. Certain amounts to be included in income or taxable income
8A. Gains made by directors of companies or by employees in respect of rights to acquire marketable securities
8B. Taxation of amounts derived from broad-based employee share plan
8C. Taxation of directors and employees on vesting of equity instruments
8D. [Repealed]
8E. Dividends derived from certain shares and equity instruments deemed to be income in relation to recipients
8EA. Dividends on third-party backed shares deemed to be income in relation to recipients thereof
8F. Interest on hybrid debt instruments deemed to be dividends in specie
8FA. Hybrid interest deemed to be dividends in specie
8G. Determination of contributed tax capital in respect of shares issued to a group company
9. Source of income
9A. Blocked foreign funds
9B. [Repealed] Circumstances in which certain amounts received or accrued in relation to disposal of listed shares are deemed to be of capital nature
9C. Circumstances in which certain amounts received or accrued from disposal of shares are deemed to be of a capital nature
9D. Net income of controlled foreign companies
9E. [Repealed] Taxation of passive holding companies
9F. [Repealed] Income from foreign sources
9G. [Repealed] Taxable income in respect of foreign equity instruments
9H. Change of residence, ceasing to be controlled foreign company or becoming headquarter company
9HA. Disposal by deceased person
9HB. Transfer of asset between spouses
9I. Headquarter companies
9J. Interest of non-resident persons in immovable property
9K. Listing of security on exchange outside Republic
10. Exemptions
10A. Exemption of capital element of purchased annuities
10B. Exemption of foreign dividends and dividends paid or declared by headquarter companies
10C. Exemption of non-deductible element of qualifying annuities
11. General deductions allowed in determination of taxable income
11A. Deductions in respect of expenditure and losses incurred prior to commencement of trade
11B. [Repealed] Deductions in respect of research and development
11C. [Repealed] Deduction in respect of foreign dividends
11D. Deductions in respect of scientific or technological research and development
11E. Deduction of certain expenditure incurred by sporting bodies
11F. Deduction in respect of contributions to retirement funds
11G. Deduction of expenses incurred in production of interest
11bis. [Repealed]
11ter. [Repealed]
11quat. [Repealed]
11quin. [Repealed]
11sex. Deduction of compensation for railway operating losses
11sept. [Repealed]
11oct. [Repealed]
12. [Repealed]
12A. [Repealed]
12B. Deduction in respect of certain machinery, plant, implements, utensils and articles used in farming or production of renewable energy
12BA. Enhanced deduction in respect of certain machinery, plant, implements, utensils and articles used in production of renewable energy
12C. Deduction in respect of assets used by manufacturers or hotel keepers and in respect of aircraft and ships, and in respect of assets used for storage and packing of agricultural products
12D. Deduction in respect of certain pipelines, transmission lines and railway lines
12DA. Deduction in respect of rolling stock
12E. Deduction in respect of certain plant and machinery of small business corporations
12F. Deduction in respect of airport and port assets
12G. [Repealed] Additional Industrial investment allowance in respect of industrial assets used for qualifying strategic industrial projects
12H. Additional deductions in respect of learnership agreements
12I. Additional investment and training allowances in respect of industrial policy projects
12J. Deductions in respect of expenditure incurred in exchange for issue of venture capital company shares
12K. [Repealed]
12L. Deduction in respect of energy efficiency savings
12M. Deduction of medical lump sum payments
12N. Deductions in respect of improvements not owned by taxpayer
12NA. Deductions in respect of improvements on property in respect of which government holds a right of use or occupation
12O. Exemption in respect of films
12P. Exemption of amounts received or accrued in respect of government grants
12Q. Exemption of income in respect of ships used in international shipping
12R. Special economic zones
12S. Deduction in respect of buildings in special economic zones
12T. Exemption of amounts received or accrued in respect of tax free investments
12U. Additional deduction in respect of roads and fences in respect of production of renewal energy
12V. Deduction in respect of production of battery electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles
13. Deductions in respect of buildings used in process of manufacture or research development
13bis. Deductions in respect of buildings used by hotelkeepers
13ter. Deductions in respect of residential buildings
13quat. Deductions in respect of erection or improvement of buildings in urban development zones
13quin. Deduction in respect of commercial buildings
13sex. Deduction in respect of certain residential units
13sept. Deduction in respect of sale of low-cost residential units on loan account
14. [Repealed] Deductions in respect of ships
14bis. [Repealed] Deductions in respect of aircraft
15. Deductions from income derived from mining operations
15A. Amounts to be taken into account in respect of trading stock derived from mining operations
16. [Repealed]
16A. [Repealed]
17. [Repealed]
17A. Expenditure incurred by a lessor of land let for farming purposes, in respect of soil erosion works
18. [Repealed] Deduction in respect of medical and dental expenses
18A. Deduction of donations to certain organisations
18B. [Repealed]
19. Concession or compromise in respect of a debt
20. Set-off of assessed losses
20A. Ring-fencing of assessed losses of certain trades
20B. Limitation of losses from disposal of certain assets
20C. Ring-fencing of interest incurred by headquarter companies
21. Deduction of alimony, allowance or maintenance
21bis. [Repealed]
21ter. [Repealed]
21quat. [Repealed]
22. Amounts to be taken into account in respect of values of trading stocks
22A. Schemes of arrangement involving trading stock
22B. Dividends treated as income on disposal of certain shares
23. Deductions not allowed in determination of taxable income
23A. Limitation of allowances granted to lessors of certain assets
23B. Prohibition of double deductions
23C. Reduction of cost or market value of certain assets
23D. Limitation of allowances granted in respect of certain assets
23E. [Repealed] Provisions relating to leave pay
23F. Acquisition or disposal of trading stock
23G. Sale and leaseback arrangements
23H. Limitation of certain deductions
23I. Prohibition of deductions in respect of certain intellectual property
23J. [Repealed] Limitation of allowances granted in respect of assets previously held by connected persons
23K. Limitation of deductions in respect of reorganisation and acquisition transactions
23L. Limitation of deductions in respect of certain short-term insurance policies
23M. Limitation of interest deductions in respect of debts owed to persons not subject to tax
23N. Limitation of interest deductions in respect of reorganisation and acquisition transactions
23O. Limitation of deductions by small, medium or micro-sized enterprises in respect of amounts received or accrued from small business funding entities
24. Credit agreements and debtors allowance
24A. Transactions whereby fixed property, etc. are exchanged for shares
24B. [Repealed] Transactions where shares are acquired by way of issue in exchange for shares issued
24BA. Transactions where assets are acquired as consideration for shares issued
24C. Allowance in respect of future expenditure on contracts
24D. Deduction of certain expenditure incurred in respect of any National Key Point or specified important place or area
24E. Allowance in respect of future expenditure by sporting bodies
24F. [Repealed] Allowance in respect of films
24G. Taxable income of toll road operators
24H. Persons carrying on trade or business in partnership
24I. Gains or losses on foreign exchange transactions
24J. Incurral and accrual of interest
24JA. Sharia compliant financing arrangements
24JB. Taxation in respect of financial assets and liabilities of certain persons
24K. Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of interest rate agreements
24L. Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of option contracts
24M. Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of assets acquired or disposed of for unquantified amount
24N. Incurral and accrual of amounts in respect of disposal or acquisition of equity shares
24O. Incurral of interest in respect of certain debts deemed to be in the production of income
24P. Allowance in respect of future repairs to certain ships
25. Taxation of deceased estates
25A. Determination of taxable incomes of permanently separated spouses
25B. Taxation of trusts and beneficiaries of trusts
25BA. Amounts received by or accrued to certain portfolios
25BB. Taxation of REITs
25C. Income of insolvent estates
25D. Determination of taxable income in foreign currency
25E. Determination of contributed tax capital in foreign currency
26. Determination of taxable income derived from farming
26A. Inclusion of taxable capital gain in taxable income
26B. Taxation of oil and gas companies
27. Determination of taxable income of co-operative societies and companies
28. Taxation of short-term insurance business
28bis. [Repealed] Assessments on transfer of business undertaking by foreign company to South African subsidiary
29. [Repealed] Taxable income of companies carrying on long-term insurance business
29A. Taxation of long-term insurers
29B. Mark-to-market taxation in respect of long-term insurers
30. Public benefit organisations
30A. Recreational clubs
30B. Associations
30C. Small business funding entities
31. Tax payable in respect of international transactions to be based on arm’s length principle
31A. [Repealed] Disposals of assets by non-resident persons
32. [Repealed] Assessment in the case of submarine cable
33. Assessment of owners or charterers of ships or aircraft who are not residents of the Republic
34. [Repealed]
35. [Repealed] Assessment of persons not ordinarily resident or registered, managed or controlled in the Republic who derive income from royalties or similar payments
35A. Withholding of amounts from payments to non-resident sellers of immovable property
36. Calculation of redemption allowance and unredeemed balance of capital expenditure in connection with mining operations
37. Calculation of capital expenditure on sale, transfer, lease or cession mining property
37A. Closure rehabilitation company or trust
37B. Deductions in respect of environmental expenditure
37C. Deductions in respect of environmental conservation and maintenance
37D. Allowance in respect of land conservation in respect of nature reserves or national parks
37E. [Repealed] Application of certain provisions where taxpayer carries on value-added process
37F. Determination of taxable income derived by persons previously assessable under certain other laws
37G. Determination of taxable income derived from small business undertakings
37H. [Repealed] Tax holiday scheme for certain companies
[Deleted] Part IA : Withholding tax on interest
37I. [Deleted] Definitions
37J. [Deleted] Levy of withholding tax on interest
37JA. [Deleted] Liability for tax
37K. [Deleted] Exemption from withholding tax on interest
37L. [Repealed] Withholding and payment of withholding tax on interest by payers of interest
37M. [Repealed] Payment and recovery of tax
37N. [Repealed] Refund of withholding tax on interest
37O. [Repealed] Currency of payments made to Commissioner
Part II : Special Provisions Relation to Companies
38. Classification of companies
39. Redetermination of company's status
40. [Repealed] Objection and appeal
40A. Close corporations
40B. Conversion of co-operative to company
40C. Issue of shares or granting of options or rights for no consideration
40CA. Acquisitions of assets in exchange for shares
40D. Communications licence conversions
40E. Ceasing to be controlled foreign company
Part III : Special rules relating to asset-for-share transactions, substitutive share-for-share transactions, amalgamation transactions, intra-group transactions, unbundling transactions and liquidation distributions
41. General
42. Asset-for-share transactions
43. Substitutive share-for-share transactions
44. Amalgamation transactions
45. Intra-group transactions
46. Unbundling Transactions
46A. Limitation of expenditure incurred in respect of shares held in an unbundling company
47. Transactions relating to liquidation, winding-up and deregistration
Part IIIA : Taxation of Foreign Entertainers and Sportspersons
47A. Definitions
47B. Imposition of tax
47C. Liability for payment of tax
47D. Withholding of amounts of tax
47E. Payment of amounts of tax deducted or withheld
47F. Submission of return
47G. Personal liability of resident
47H. [Repealed] Recovery of amounts paid to Commissioner
47I. [Repealed] Application of certain provisions
47J. Currency of payments made to Commissioner
47K. Notification of specified activity
Part IV : Turnover tax payable by micro business
48. Definitions
48A. Imposition of tax
48B. Rates
48C. Transitional provisions
Part IVA : Withholding tax on royalties
49A. Definitions
49B. Levy of withholding tax on royalties
49C. Liability for tax
49D. Exemption from withholding tax on royalties
49E. Withholding of withholding tax on royalties by payers of royalties
49F. Payment and recovery of tax
49G. Refund of withholding tax on royalties
49H. Currency of payments made to Commissioner
50. [Repealed]
Part IVB : Withholding tax on interest
50A. Definitions
50B. Levy of withholding tax on interest
50C. Liability for tax
50D. Exemption from withholding tax on interest
50E. Withholding of withholding tax on interest by payers of interest
50F. Payment and recovery of tax
50G. Refund of withholding tax on interest
50H. Currency of payments made to Commissioner
51. [Repealed]
Part IVC : [Repealed] Withholding tax on service fees
51A. [Repealed]
51B. [Repealed]
51C. [Repealed]
51D. [Repealed]
51E. [Repealed]
51F. [Repealed]
51G. [Repealed]
51H. [Repealed]
52. [Repealed]
53. [Repealed]
Part V : Donations Tax
54. Levy of donations tax
55. Definitions for the purpose of this Part
56. Exemptions
57. Disposals by companies under donations at the instance of any person
57A. Donations by spouses married in community of property
57B. Disposal of the right to receive an asset which would otherwise have been acquired in consequence of services rendered or to be rendered
58. Property disposed of under certain transactions deemed to have been disposed of under a donation
59. Persons liable for the tax
60. Payment and assessment of the tax
61. Extension of scope of certain provisions of Act for purposes of donations tax
62. Value of property disposed of under donations
63. [Repealed] Objection and appeaI
64. Rate of donations tax
Part VI : [Repealed]
64A. [Repealed]
Part VII : Secondary Tax on Companies
64B. Levy and recovery of secondary tax on companies
64C. Certain amounts distributed deemed to be dividends
Part VIII : Dividends Tax
64D. Definitions
64E. Levy of tax
64EA Liability for tax
64EB. Deemed beneficial owners of dividends
64F. Exemption from tax in respect of dividends other than dividends comprising distribution of assets in specie
64FA. Exemption from and reduction of tax in respect of dividends in specie
64G. Withholding of tax by company declaring dividend
64H. Withholding of tax by intermediaries
64I. Withholding of dividends tax by insurers
64J. [Repealed] STC Credit
64K. Payment and recovery of tax
64L. Refund of tax
64LA. Refund of tax in respect of dividends in specie
64M. Refund of tax in respect of dividends paid by regulated intermediaries
64N. Rebate in respect of foreign taxes on dividends
Part IX : Value Extraction Tax
64O. [Repealed] Definitions
64P. [Repealed] Levy of tax
64Q. [Repealed] Exemptions from value extraction tax
64R. [Repealed] Payment and recovery of tax
Chapter III : General Provisions
Part I : Returns
65. [Repealed] Returns and payment to be in form and submitted at place prescribed by Commissioner
66. Notice by Commissioner requiring returns for assessment of normal tax under this Act
67. Registration as taxpayer
67A. [Repealed] Registration of tax practitioners
68. Income and capital gain of married persons and minor children
69. [Repealed] Duty to furnish returns as to employees, their earnings and other matters
70. [Repealed] Duty of companies to furnish returns
70A. [Repealed] Return of information by Portfolio of Collective Investment Scheme
70B. [Repealed] Return of information in respect of financial instruments administered by portfolio administrators
71. [Repealed] Return of payments in respect of bearer warrants
72. [Repealed] Return as to shareholdings
72A. Return relating to controlled foreign company
73. [Repealed] Duty of persons submitting accounts in support of returns or preparing accounts for other persons
73A. [Repealed] Record keeping by persons who render returns
73B. [Repealed] Record keeping in relation to taxable capital gain or assessed capital loss
73C. [Repealed] Record keeping in relation to declarations for purposes of dividends tax
74. [Repealed] General provisions with regard to information, documents or things
74A. [Repealed] Furnishing of information, documents... by any person
74B. [Repealed] Obtaining of information, documents... at certain premises
74C. [Repealed] Inquiry
74D. [Repealed] Search and seizure
75. [Repealed] Penalty on default
75A. [Repealed] Publication of names of Offenders
75B. [Repealed] Administrative penalty in respect of non-compliance
76. [Repealed] Additional tax in the event of default or omission
76A. [Repealed] Reportable arrangements
Part IA : Advance Pricing Agreements
76A. Definitions
76B. Purpose
76C. Persons eligible to apply
76D. Fees for advance pricing agreements
76E. Pre-application consultation
76F. Application for advance pricing agreement
76G. Amendments to advance pricing agreement application
76H. Withdrawal of advance pricing agreement application
76I. Rejection of advance pricing agreement application
76J. Processing of advance pricing agreement application
76K. Finalisation of advance pricing agreement
76L. Compliance report
76M. Extension of advance pricing agreement
76N. Termination of advance pricing agreement
76O. Record retention
76P. Procedures and guidelines
Part IIA
80A. Impermissible tax avoidance arrangements
80B. Tax consequences of impermissible tax avoidance
80C. Lack of commercial substance
80D. Round trip financing
80E. Accommodating of tax-indifferent parties
80F. Treatment of connected persons and accommodating or tax-indifferent parties
80G. Presumption of purpose
80H. Application to steps in or parts of an arrangement
80I. Use in the alternative
80J. Notice
80K. Interest
80L. Definitions
Part IIB : Reportable Arrangements
80M. [Repealed] Reportable arrangements
80N. [Repealed] Excluded arrangements
80O. [Repealed] Disclosure obligation
80P. [Repealed] Information to be submitted
80Q. [Repealed] Reportable arrangement reference number
80R. [Repealed] Request for information
80S. [Repealed] Penalties
80T. [Repealed] Definitions
Part III : Objections and Appeals
81. [Repealed] Objection against assessment
82. [Repealed] Burden of proof as to exemptions, deductions, abatements, disregarding or exclusions
83. [Repealed] Appeals to tax court against assessment
83A. [Repealed] Appeals to tax board
84. [Repealed] Summoning of witnesses and penalty for non-attendance
85. [Repealed] Contempt of tax court
86A. [Repealed] Appeals against decisions of a tax court
87. [Repealed] Members of courts not disqualified from adjudicating
88. [Repealed] Payment of tax pending appeal.
[Repealed] Part IIIA
88A. [Repealed] Definitions
88B. [Repealed] Purpose of Part
88C. [Repealed] Circumstances where inappropriate to settle
88D. [Repealed] Circumstances where appropriate to settle
88E. [Repealed] Power to settle and disclosure
88F. [Repealed] Procedure for settlement
88G. [Repealed] Register of settlements and reporting
88H. [Repealed] Alteration of assessment on settlement
Part IV : Payment and Recovery of Tax
89. Appointment of day for payment of tax and interest on overdue payments
89bis. Payments of employees' tax and provisional tax and interest on overdue payments of such taxes
89ter. [Repealed] Accounts and recovery proceedings in respect of certain taxes
89quat. Interest on underpayments and overpayments of provisional tax
89quin. Calculation of interest payable under this Act
89sex. [Repealed] Determination of day and time for payment of tax, interest or penalties
89sept. [Repealed] Power of Minister to determine date for submission of returns and payment of tax, interest and penalties
90. Persons by whom normal tax payable
91. Recovery of tax
91A. [Repealed] Waiver, write off or compromise of amounts payable
92. [Repealed] Correctness of assessment cannot be questioned
93. [Repealed] Collection of taxes under arrangements made under section 108
93bis. [Repealed]
94. [Repealed] Evidence as to assessments
94A. [Repealed]
Part V : Representative Taxpayers
95. [Repealed] Liability of representative taxpayer
96. [Repealed] Right of representative taxpayer to indemnity.
97. [Repealed] Personal liability of representative taxpayer.
98. [Repealed] Company regarded as agent for absent shareholder
99. [Repealed] Power to appoint agent
100. [Repealed] Remedies of Commissioner against agent or trustee
101. [Repealed] Public officers of companies
Part VI : Miscellaneous
102. Refunds
102A. [Repealed] Treatment of certain small tax claims and refunds
103. Transactions, operations or schemes for purposes of avoiding or postponing liability for or reducing amounts of taxes on income
104. [Repealed] Offences and penalties.
105. [Repealed] Jurisdiction of courts
105A. [Repealed] Reporting of unprofessional conduct
106. [Repealed] Authentication and service of documents
107. Regulations
107A. [Repealed] Rules of Tax Court
107B. [Repealed] Settlement of Dispute
108. Prevention of, or relief from, double taxation.
110. [Repealed] Determination of increase in the scale of taxation for purposes of certain leases of the right to mine for gold
110bis. [Repealed]
111. Repeal of laws
111A. [Repealed]
112. Short title and commencement.
First Schedule : Computation of Taxable Income derived from Pastoral, Agricultural or other Farming Operations
Second Schedule
Computation of gross income by way of lump sum benefits
Benefits accruing upon retirement and benefits deemed to have accrued immediately prior to person's death: Deductions
Withdrawal or Resignation: Winding Up: Deductions
Transfer on or after Normal Retirement Age but before Retirement Date: Deductions
Transfer between the Components of the Retirement System: Deductions
Third Schedule : Laws repealed
Fourth Schedule : Amounts to be Deducted or Withheld by Employers and Provisional Payments in respect of Normal Tax (Section 5)
Part 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Part II : Employees' Tax
2-11A. Employers to deduct tax
11B. [Repealed] Standard income tax on employees
11C. [Repealed] Employees’ tax payable in respect of directors of private companies
12. [Repealed] Estimated assessments
12A. [Repealed]
13. Furnishing and obtaining of employees' tax certificates
14. Employers to keep records and furnish returns
15. Registration of employers
16. [Repealed] Liability of representative employers and others
Part III : Provisional Tax
17. Payment of provisional tax
18. [Repealed] Exemptions
19. Estimates of taxable income to be made by provisional taxpayer
20. Penalty for the underpayment of provisional tax as a result of underestimation
20A. [Repealed] Penalty in the event of failure to submit an estimate of taxable income timeously
21. Payment of provisional tax by provisional taxpayers (other than companies)
22. [Repealed] Provisional tax payments by provisional taxpayers (other than companies) whose income is normally derived wholly or mainly from farming, fishing or diamond digging
23. Provisional tax payments by companies
23A-24. Additional provisional tax payments
25. Extension of time for payment of provisional tax
26. [Repealed] Certain matters to be decided by the Commissioner
27. Penalty on Late Payment of Provisional Tax
Part IV : General
28-29. Employees' tax and provisional tax to be set off against tax liability
30. Offences
31. [Repealed] Recovery of employees' tax, provisional tax, penalty, additional tax and interest
32. [Repealed] Extension of scope of certain provisions of Act for purposes of this Schedule
33. [Deleted]
34. [Deleted]
Fifth Schedule : [Repealed] Loan Portions of the Normal Tax
Sixth Schedule : Determination of Turnover Tax Payable by Micro Businesses
Part 1 : Interpretation
1. Definitions
Part II : Application of Schedule
2. Persons that qualify as micro businesses
3. Persons that do not qualify as micro businesses
4. Permissible shares and interests
Part III : Taxable Turnover
5. Taxable turnover
6. Inclusions in taxable turnover
7. Exclusions from taxable turnover
Part IV : Registration
8. Registration
9. Voluntary deregistration
10. Compulsory deregistration
Part V : Administration
11. Interim payments
12. [Repealed] Estimated interim payments
Part VI : Miscellaneous
13. Amounts received by a connected person may be included in qualifying turnover
14. Record keeping
15. [Repealed] Provisions of Income Tax Act to apply
Seventh Schedule : Benefits or Advantages Derived by reason of Employment or the Holding of any Office
1. Definitions
2. Taxable benefits
3. Determination of cash equivalent of value of taxable benefit
4. Taxable Benefits Granted by Associated Institutions
5. Acquisition of an asset at less than actual value
6. Right of use of any asset (other than residential accommodation or any motor vehicle)
7. Right of use of motor vehicle
8. Meals, refreshments and meal and refreshment vouchers
9. Residential accommodation
10. Free or cheap services
11. Benefits in respect of interest on debt
12. Subsidies in respect of debt
12A. Contribution to a benefit fund
12B. Incurral of costs relating to medical services
12C. Benefits in respect of insurance policies
12D. Valuation of contributions made by employers to certain retirement funds
12E. Contribution to bargaining council
13. Payment of employee's debt or release of employee from obligation to pay a debt
13A. [Deleted]
14. [Deleted]
15. [Deleted]
16. Benefits granted to relatives of employees and others
17. Certificates by employers
18. Annual statements by employers
19. [Repealed] Offences
20. Amendments to this Schedule
Eighth Schedule : Determination of Taxable Capital Gains and Assessed Capital Losses (Section 26A)
Part I : General
Part II : Taxable Capital Gains and Assessed Capital Losses
Part III : Disposal and Acquisition of Assets
Part IV : Limitation of Losses
Part V : Base Cost
Part VI : Proceeds
Part VII : Primary Residence Exclusion
Part VIII : Other Exclusions
Part IX : Roll-Overs
Part X : Attribution of Capital Gains
Part XI : Company Distributions
Part XII : Trusts, Trust Beneficiaries And Insolvent Estates
Part XIII : [Repealed] Foreign Currency
Part XIV : Miscellaneous
Ninth Schedule : Public Benefit Activities (Section 30)
Part I : Welfare and Humanitarian
Part II : Welfare and Humanitarian
Tenth Schedule : Oil and Gas Activities
1. Definitions
2. Rate
3. Withholding taxes
4. Foreign currency gains or losses
5. Deductions from income derived from oil and gas activities
6. Exploration and post-exploration expenses
7. Disposal of oil and gas right
8. Fiscal stability
Eleventh Schedule : Government grants exempt from normal tax (Section 12P)
Regulations under Section 107 of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. R. 105 of 1965
Part A : General
Part B : Appeals to the Court
Part C : Appeals to the Supreme Court from Decisions of the Court.
Part D : Standard values of Livestock
Regulations under paragraph (dd)(C) of the proviso to section 11(W)
Notice No. R. 2408 of 1982
Tax Holiday Regulations (Regulations under section 37H(14)
Notice No. R. 1989 of 1996
1. Definitions
2. Investment requirements
3. Locations for spatial component
4. Qualifying industries
5. Ratio of human resource remuneration to value added
6. Project deemed not to be substantially the same
7. Evaluation criteria
8. Evaluation, approval and monitoring
9. Short title
Regulations made under Section 12G(7)
Notice No. R. 1227 of 2001
1. Definitions
2. Criteria for Strategic Industrial Project
3. Criteria for Qualifying Strategic Industrial Project With or Without Preferred
2002 Regulations
Regulations issued in terms of Section 18A(1A), to prescribe additional requirements for purposes of that section, in respect of Public Benefit Organisations carrying on any activity contemplated in paragraph 4 of Part II of the Ninth Schedule
Notice No. R. 1163 of 2002
Regulations prescribing the steps to be taken to liquidate, wind up or deregister a company for purposes of Section 46 and Section 64B
Notice No. R. 1168 of 2002
2003 Regulations
Regulations issued in terms of paragraph 4(o) of Part I of the Ninth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), to prescribe conditions for the provision of Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards for Study, Research and Teaching
Notice No. R. 302 of 2003
Regulations issued in terms of section 66(7B) of the Income Tax Act, 1962, prescribing procedures for submitting returns in electronic format and requirements for electronic signatures
Notice No. R. 1454 of 2003
1. Definitions
2. Provision of e-filing service
3. Registration, submission of electronic return, payments and termination
4. Electronic signature
2007 Regulations
Regulations issued under Section 91A, prescribing the circumstances under which the Commissioner may write-off or compromise any amount of tax, duty, levy, charge, interest, penalty or other amount
Notice No. 316 of 2007
Part 1 : General provisions
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
3. Application of regulations
Part 2 : Temporary write off of tax debt
4. Temporary write-off of tax debt
5. Tax debts uneconomical to pursue
Part 3
Permanent write off of tax debt
6. Permanent write-off of tax debt
Irrecoverable at law
7. Tax debts irrecoverable at law
Part 4 : Procedures for write-off
8. Procedure for writing off a tax debt on a temporary or permanent basis
Part 5 : Compromise of tax debt
9. Compromise of tax debt
10. Request by debtor for compromise
11. Consideration of request to compromise tax debt
12. Circumstances where not appropriate to compromise tax debt
13. Procedure for compromise of tax debt
14. Commissioner not bound by compromise
Part 6 : Records and reporting
15. Records of tax debts written off or compromised
16. Reporting by Commissioner of tax debts written-off or compromised
Part 7 : Exercise of power to write-off or compromise
17. Exercise of power to write off or compromise tax debt
18. No relationship between debtor and Commissioner or delegated official
2010 Regulations
Regulations made under Section 12I
Notice No. R. 639 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Prerequisites for industrial policy projects
3. Limitations
4. Point system for qualifying as an industrial policy project
5. Brownfield projects - Factors and point allocation
6. Greenfield projects - Factors and point allocation
2011 Regulations
Regulations made under Section 13quat(9) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. R. 219 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Reporting requirements in respect of buildings in urban development zones
3. Reporting requirements in respect of regeneration of urban development zones
4. Format of reporting
5. Time periods for reporting
6. Short title and commencement
Form A
2013 Regulations
Regulations in terms of section 12L of the Income Tax Act, 1962, on the allowance for energy efficiency savings
Notice No. R. 971 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Procedure for claiming allowance
3. Responsibilites of SANEDI
4. Content of certificate
5. Baseline calculation
6. Limitation of allowance
7. Concurrent benefits
8. Short title and commencement
2015 Regulations
Regulations in terms of section 12T(8) of the Income Tax Act, 1962, on the requirements for Tax Free Investment
Notice No. R. 172 of 2015
Part I : Definitions
1. Definitions
Part II : Issue of financial instrument and policy
2. Issue of financial instrument and policy
3. Advertising of tax free investment
4. Accepting of amounts by product provider
5. Pre-existing financial instrument or policy may not be coverted
Part III : Disclosure
6. Disclosure by product provider
Part IV : Withdrawal and transfer
7. Withdrawal and transfer
8. Payment of amount in relation to withdrawal in respect of tax free investment
9. Transfer effective date
9A. Transfers by product providers
9B. Product providers may refuse to accept certain transfers
9C. Transfer certificates
9D. Disqualification of service provider in respect of transfers
Part V : Returns and maturity date
10. Returns in respect of tax free investments
10A. Calculating rate of return in respect of tax free investment with fixed term and guaranteed return
10B. Restriction on maturity date
Part VI : Fees
11. Fees in respect of tax free investment
12. Fees in respect of withdrawal
Part VII : Composition of tax free investment
13. Requirements in respect of composition of certain tax free investments
14. Derivative instrument in respect of a tax free investment
14A. Fees must be recovered from tax free investment
Part VIII : Transactions not allowed
15. Certain transactions not allowed
16. Risk cover not allowed
16A. Tax free investment with underlying performance fees not allowed
Part IX : Compliance with regulations
17. Product provider must possess operational and management capabilities
18. Submission of documents by service provider
19. Objection of Registrar to implementation of tax free investment
20. Powers of Registrar if tax free investment fails to comply with regulations or legislation
Part X : Non-compliance with regulations
21. Non-compliance with regulations
Part XI : Miscellaneous
22. Short title and commencement
Regulations in terms of paragraph (e) of definition of "Research and Development" in section 11D(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962, on criteria for clinical trials in respect of deduction for research and development
Notice No. R. 344 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Criteria for deduction for scientific or technological research and development in respect of a clinical trial
3. Exclusions in respect of deduction for scientific or technological research and development in respect of a clinical trial
4. Short title and commencement
Regulations on the other criteria for multisource pharmaceutical products for the purpose of the deduction for research and development in terms of section 11D of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. R. 346 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Criteria for deduction for scientific or technological research and development in respect of multisource pharmaceutical products
3. Short title and commencement
Regulations in terms of items (a) and (c) of definition of "determined value" in paragraph 7(1) of Seventh Schedule to Income Tax Act, 1962, on retail market value in respect of right of use of motor vehicle
Notice No. R. 362 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Retail market value of motor vehicle
3. Short title and commencement
Regulations in terms of paragraph 12D(5)(b) of Seventh Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 1262 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Persons that must prepare contribution certificate
3. Signing of contribution certificate
4. Preparation of contribution certificate in respect of each fund member category
5. Content of contribution certificate
6. Short title and commencement
2016 Regulations
Regulations in terms of paragraph 12D(5)(a) of Seventh ...
Notice No. R. 17 of 2016
1. Definitions
2. Fund member category factor is aggregate
3. Determination of defined contribution component factor
4. Determination of defined benefit component factor
5. Determination of underpin component factor
6. Determination of risk benefit component factor
7. Data to be used in respect of fund member category ...
8. Short title and commencement
Notices under Section 11bis(4B)
1. Notice under Section 11bis (4B)
2. Notice under Section 11bis (4B)
3. Notice under Section 11bis (4B)
4. Notice under Section 11bis (4B)
2000 Notices
Employees Tax Deduction Tables
Notice No. 1151 of 2000
Notice to Furnish Returns for the 2000 year of assessment
Notice No. 1727 of 2000
2001 Notices
Determination of Public Benefit Activities for purposes of Section 30 of the Income Tax Act
Notice No. R. 697 of 2001
Recognition of Stock Exchanges in terms of the definition of "Recognised Exchange" in paragraph 1 of the Eighth Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. R. 997 of 2001
2005 Notices
Notice setting out arrangements
Notice No. R. 180 of 2005
2006 Notices
Special Tax Measures relating to 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
Part I : Interpretation
1. Definitions
Part II : Provisions relating to entities generally exempt from taxes, duties and levies
2. Application of this Part
3. Entities exempt from all taxes, duties and levies
4. Treatment of entities for value-added tax purposes
5. Registration of entity as employer for purposes of certain taxes
Part III : Tax treatment of certain other entities
6. Application of this Part
7. Income tax treatment of receipts and accruals
7A. Secondary tax on companies treatment of dividends
8. Value-added tax treatment of supply of goods or services
8A. Registration of entity as employer for purposes of certain taxes
Part IV : Tax treatment of certain individuals
9. Application of this Part
10. Income tax treatment of receipts and accruals
Part V : General provisions relating to taxes
11. Disallowance of deductions relating to amounts exempt from income tax
12. Certain receipts and accruals deemed not to be from source in Republic
Part VI : Provisions relating to importation and re-exportation of goods
13. FIFA import duty rebate arrangements
Part VII : Tax Treatment of the LOC
14. Tax Treatment of the LOC
Part VIII : Miscellaneous
15. Execution of documents exempt from taxes and duties
16. Circumstances where provisions of this Schedule do not apply
17. Exemption from fringe benefit tax on 2010 FIFA
Fixing of Rate per kilometer
Notice No. 177 of 2006
Notice to determine Public Benefit Activities
Notice No. 403 of 2006
Employees Tax Deduction Tables effective 1 March 2006
Notice No. 712 of 2006
2007 Notices
Determination of daily allowance for meals and incidental costs
Notice No. 149 of 2007
Determination of interest rate from 1 March 2007
Notice No. 189 of 2007
Notice fixing amount of tax in dispute for purposes of appeal to Tax Board in terms of Section 83A of the Income Tax Act, 1962, and Section 33A of the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991
Notice No. 271 of 2007
2009 Notices
Determination of daily allowance for meals and incidental costs
Notice No. 171 of 2009
Determination of Interest rate from 1 March 2009
Notice No. 180 of 2009
Notice in terms of Paragraph 2C of the Second Schedule
Notice No. 289 of 2009
Definition of Living Annuity
Notice No. 290 of 2009
Declaration of a person/class/category of person as employee
Notice No. 412 of 2009
Determination of interest rate from 1 July 2009
Notice No. 697 of 2009
Determination of interest rate from 1 September 2009
Notice No. 892 of 2009
Special Measures relating to Sharing of General Fuel Levy Revenue
1. Fuel levy definitions
2. General fuel levy revenue is direct charge
3. Allocation to which metropolitan municipality is entitled
4. Power to make regulations
2010 Notices
Date by which employers must render a return
Notice No. 769 of 2010
Manner of submission of certain returns and payments of employees' tax
Notice No. 1118 of 2010
Voluntary Disclosure Programme and Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act, 2010
Notice No. 1025 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Administration
3. Application for voluntary disclosure relief
4. Requirements for valid voluntary disclosure
5. No-name voluntary disclosure
6. Voluntary disclosure relief
7. Voluntary disclosure agreement
8. Withdrawal of voluntary disclosure relief
9. Assessment or determination to give effect to agreement
10. Reporting
11. Regulations
2011 Notices
Determination of date on which section 13(1) and 38(1) of the Taxation Laws Second Amendment Act, 2009 (Act No. 18 of 2009), shall come into operation
Notice No. 50 of 2011
Commencement date of Part VIII of Chapter II of Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 1073 of 2011
2012 Notices
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs
Notice No. 119 of 2012
Fixing of rate per kilometre in respect of motor vehicles
Notice No. 140 of 2012
Exemption: Clothing and textile competitiveness program grants
Notice No. R. 538 of 2012
2013 Notices
Notice in terms of Section 13quat(8)
Fixing of Rate per Kilometre in respect of motor vehicles for the purposes of section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 145 of 2013
1. Definition
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method for distances...
5. Effective date
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of section 8(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 148 of 2013
Commencement of Section 12L
Notice No. 855 of 2013
2014 Notices
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental costs for purposes of section 8(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 114 of 2014
Fixing of Rate per Kilometre in respect of motor vehicles for the purposes of section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 129 of 2014
1. Definition
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method for distances less than 8 000 kilometres
5. Effective date
2015 Notices
Notice in terms of section 12T in respect of persons or entities that may administer financial instruments or policies as tax free investments
Notice No. 171 of 2015
Notice to furnish returns for the 2015 year of assessment
Notice No. 510 of 2015
Notice in terms of section 11D(6)(b) in respect of certain categories of Research and Development deemed to constitute the carrying on of Research and Development
Notice No. R. 343 of 2015
2016 Notices
Fixing of Rate per Kilometre under section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii)
Notice No. 192 of 2016
1. Definition
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method for distances less than 8 000 kilometres
5. Effective date
Date new employees’ tax deduction tables come into operation
Notice No. 338 of 2016
Notice in terms of section 12R of the Income Tax Act, 1962, regarding activities to which section 12R does not apply
Notice No. 446 of 2016
Notice to furnish returns for the 2016 year of assessment
Notice No. 671 of 2016
2017 Notices
Determination of the daily amount in respect of meals and incidental costs
Notice No. 194 of 2017
Fixing of Rate per Kilometre under section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii)
Notice No. 195 of 2017
1. Definition
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method for distances less than 12 000 kilometres
5. Effective date
Notice in terms of Section 12T of Income Tax Act, 1962,
Notice No. 308 of 2017
Returns to be submitted by a person in terms of section 25 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No. 28 of 2011)
Notice No. 547 of 2017
1. General
2. Persons who must submit an income tax return
3. Persons not required to submit an income tax return
4. Periods within which income tax returns must be furnished
5. Form of income tax returns to be submitted
6. Manner of submission of income tax returns
2018 Notices
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of Section 8(1)
Notice No.169 of 2018
Rate per Kilometre fixed under section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii)
Notice No. 170 of 2018
1. Definition
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method
5. Effective date
Returns to be submitted by a person in terms of section 25 of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No. 28 of 2011)
Notice No. 600 of 2018
1. General
2. Persons who must submit an income tax return
3. Persons not required to submit an income tax return
4. Periods within which income tax returns must be furnished
5. Form of income tax returns to be submitted
6. Manner of submission of income tax returns
2019 Notices
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of Section 8(1)
Notice No. 268 of 2019
2020 Notices
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of Section 8(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 270 of 2020
Fixing of Rate per Kilometre in respect of Motor Vehicles for the purposes of Section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 271 of 2020
Method or Formula for purposes of Determination of Amount for purposes of paragraph (b) of Definition of Living Annuity in Section 1(1) of the Act
Notice No. 618 of 2020
Notice No. 636 of 2020
Amount of Value of Assets that may be paid in lump sum for purposes of paragraph (c) of Definition of Living Annuity in Section 1(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 619 of 2020
2021 Notices
Fixing rate per Kilometre in respect of Motor Vehicles for the purposes of Section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 174 of 2021
Notice in terms of paragraph (b)(x)(cc) of the proviso to definition of "retirement annuity fund" in section 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 474 of 2021
2022 Notices
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of Section 8(1) of the Act
Notice No. 1843 of 2022
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of Section 8(1) of the Act
Notice No. 1844 of 2022
Fixing of Rate Per Kilometre in respect of Motor Vehicles for the purposes of Section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. R. 1848 of 2022
1. Definition
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method
5. Effective date
2023 Notices
Further information required in terms of Section 18A(2)(a)(vii) for purposes of a receipt issued under Section 18A(2)(a) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 3082 of 2023
Fixing of Rate Per Kilometre in respect of Motor Vehicles for the purposes of Section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Notice No. 3112 of 2023
1. Definition
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method
5. Effective date
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of Section 8(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 3113 of 2023
Notice in terms of Paragraph 2D of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)
Notice No. 3356 of 2023
2024 Notices
Fixing of Rate per Kilometre in respect of Motor Vehicles for the purposes of section 8(1)(b)(ii) and (iii) of the Act
Notice No. 4456 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Determination of rate per kilometre
3. Cost scale
4. Simplified method
5. Effective date
Determination of the Daily Amount in respect of Meals and Incidental Costs for purposes of Section 8(1) of the Act
Notice No. 4458 of 2024
Exemption in terms of Section 12P(2) of amounts credited from National Revenue Fund to South African Reserve Bank for contingency reserve requirements
Notice No. 5086 of 2024
African Tax Administration Forum Agreement on Mutual Assistance in Tax Matters
Notice No. 2523 of 2022
Article 1 : Definitions
Article 2 : Objective
Article 3 : Taxes Covered
Article 4 : Exchange of Information
Article 5 : Tax Examinations Abroad
Article 6 : Simultaneous Examinations
Article 7 : Assistance in Collection
Article 8 : Confidentiality
Article 9 : Costs
Article 10 : Implementation Legislation
Article 11 : Other International Agreements or Arrangements
Article 12 : Mutual Agreement Procedure
Article 13 : Depositary
Article 14 : Notification of Competent Authorities
Article 15 : Ratification and Entry into Force
Article 16 : Amendment
Article 17 : Accession
Article 18 : Signature
Article 19 : Withdrawal
Determination of date of which certain provisions of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No. 28 of 2011) must come into operation
Proclamation No. 51 of 2012
Rates of Normal Tax
Rates of Normal Tax - 2007 to 2013
Rates of Normal Tax and Rebates - 2007
Rates of Normal Tax and Rebates - 2008
Rates of Normal Tax and Rebates - 2009
Rates or Normal Tax and Rebates - 2010
Rates of Normal Tax - 2012
Paragraph 1 - Rates of normal tax - taxable income excluding retirement
Paragraph 2 - Rates of normal tax - taxable income of a trust
Paragraph 3 - Rates of normal tax - taxable income of a company
Paragraph 4 - Rates of normal tax - public benefit organisation
Paragraph 5 - Rates of normal tax - small business corporation
Paragraph 6 - Rates of normal tax - micro business
Paragraph 7 - Rates of normal tax - taxable income including retirement
Paragraph 8 - Rates of normal tax
Paragraph 9 - Rates of normal tax
Paragraph 10 - Rates of normal tax
Rates of Normal Tax - 2013
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Paragraph 6
Paragraph 7
Paragraph 8
Paragraph 9
Paragraph 10
Rates of Normal Tax - 2018 - Schedule I (Section 1)
Rates of Normal Tax - 2019 - Schedule I (Section 1)
Rates of Normal Tax - 2020 - Schedule I (Section 1)
Rates of Normal Tax - 2021 - Schedule I (Section 1)
Rates of Normal Tax - 2022 - Schedule I (Section 1)
Rates of Normal Tax - 2023 - Schedule I (Section 1)
Rules under Section 107A - Objections, Appeals, Alternative Dispute Resolution
Notice No. R. 467 of 2003
Part A : Objections, Appeals and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1. Definitions
2. Office of Registrar
3. Reasons for assessment
4. Objection
5. Commissioner's decision
6. Notice of appeal
7. Alternative Dispute Resolution
8. Appeal to Board or Court
9. Limitation of issues in dispute
10. Statement of grounds of assessment
11. Statement of grounds of appeal
12. Issues in appeal
13. Amendments of statement of grounds of assessment
14. Discovery of documents, information or things
15. Notice of expert witness
16. Pre-trial conference
17. Date of hearing
18. Dossier
19. Places at which Court sits
20. Procedures not covered by Act and Rules
21. Subpoenas
22. Procedures in Court
23. Withdrawal or concession of appeal
24. Postponement or removal of case from roll
25. Pagination of documents
26. Extension of prescribed periods, condonation and non-compliance with rules
27. Costs
28. Witness fees
29. Fees payable for transcripts
Part B : Applications on Notice
B1. Definitions
B2. Application of Part B
B3. Notice of motion and founding affidavit
B4. Delivery of notice of motion and founding affidavit
B5. Address and due date
B6. Set-down for hearing where no intention to oppose
B7. Notice of intention to oppose and answering affidavit
B8. Replying affidavit
B9. Set-down for hearing where no answering affidavit
B10. Application for date of hearing
B11. Application for set down by respondent
Part C : Transitional Arrangements
C1. Definitions
C2. Assessment issued before effective date
C3. Objection lodged before effective date
C4. Appeal noted before effective date
Schedule A : Terms of Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR")
Schedule B : Code of Conduct for Facilitator
Practice Notes
Department of Finance
1: Deemed Dividend: Section 8B of the Income Tax Act, 1962
2: Transactions in Credit Instruments which are Issued at a Discount
3: Valuation of Trading Stock with Special Reference to the Treatment of Overhead Excess and LIFO Reserves
4: Nominee Directors: Directors Fees
5: Section 105A of the Income Tax Act and Section 44A of the Sales Tax Act
6: Trading Stock: Consumable Stores, Spare Parts, Etc
7: Moratorium: Exemption from Stamp Duty or Transfer Duty Relating to the Transfer of Marketable Securities or Property or of Rights or Obligations Under Bonds Under a Scheme for the Rationalization of a Group of Companies and the Assessment of Companies
8: Deduction in Respect of Finance Charges in terms of Section 11(bB) of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (The Act)
9: Determination of Tax Attributable to... Taxable Income
10: Short-term Insurance Business: Contingency Reserve
11: Advances Paid or Payable to Directors of Companies (including Members of Close Corporations)
12: Allowance Granted in terms of Section 24 of the Income Tax Act
13: Allowance Granted in terms of Section 24 of the Income Tax Act (No. 58 of 1962, as amended)
14: Employees Tax Deductions in Respect of Amounts Payable to Directors of Companies (Including Members of Close Corporations)
15: Deduction in respect of Wear and Tear or Depreciation in terms of Section 11(e) of the Income Tax Act: Leased Machinery, Plant, Implements, Utensils and Articles (Including Vehicles and Equipment)
16: Deduction in terms of Section 12C of the Income Tax Act (The Act) in Respect of Certain Foundations or Supporting Structures
17: Taxation Implications of Bursaries and Scholarships (applies from commencement of years of assessment ended or ending on or after 1 January 1992 unless otherwise indicated)
18: Circumstances in which certain amounts received or accrued in relation to the disposal of listed shares are deemed to be of a capital nature: Section 9B of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (The Act)
19: Deduction in respect of Wear and Tear or depreciation in terms of Section 11(e) of the Income Tax Act: Machinery, Plant, Implements, Utensils and Articles (including Vehicles and Equipment) (excluding Leased Items as contemplated in Practice Note No.
20: Transactions, Operations or Schemes for Purposes of Avoiding or Postponing Liability for or Reducing Amounts of Taxes on Income: Section 103 of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (the Act)
21: Registration of Inter Vivos Trusts
22: Deduction of Recurrent Expenditure Incurred by Public Companies
23: Taxation of Trusts and Trust Beneficiaries in terms of Section 25B of the Income Tax Act, 1962
24: Private Use of Motor Vehicle
25: Excessive Remuneration and Other Charges
26: Provision for Ship Repairs in terms of Section 14(1)(C) of the Income Tax Act
27: Game Farming
28: Secondary Tax on Companies: Section 64C of the Income Tax Act: Certain Amounts Distributed Deemed to be Dividends: Employer Contributions to Employees' Pension, Provident and Medical Funds
29: Salaries Paid to Members of Incorporated Accounting Practices
30: Farming Operations: Equalised Rates of Tax
31: Interest Paid on Moneys Borrowed
32: Valuation Of Stock: Nurserymen
33: Section 99 of the Income Tax Act: Attorneys
34: Sale of Immovable Property by the Executor of a Deceased Estate
35: Estate Duty: Bequest of Trust Income to Surviving Spouse: Trustee's Discretion: Deduction under Section 4(q) of the Estate Duty Act, 1955 (The Act)
36: Valuation of Trading Stock
37: Deduction of Fees Paid to Accountants, Bookkeepers and Tax Consultants for the Completion of Income Tax Returns
38: Exemption of Stamp Duty or Transfer Duty Relating to the Transfer of Marketable Securities or Property or of Rights or Obligations under Bonds in terms of a Scheme for the Rationalisation of a Group of Companies and the Assessment of Such Group of Com
39: Deduction in respect of Wear and Tear or Depreciation in terms of Section 11(e) of the Income Tax Act: Machinery, Plant, Implements, Utensils and Articles (Including Vehicles and Equipment) (Excluding Leased Items as Contemplated in Practice Note No.
40: Lump Sum Benefits Derived from a Pension or Provident Fund on Retirement
41: Stamp duty: Exemption from Stamp duty in terms of Item 15(3)(nA) of Schedule 1 to the Stamp Duties Act, 1968 (the Act), in respect of the Registration of Transfer of Marketable Securities resulting from Arbitrage Transactions
42: Processes of Manufacture, Processes similar to a Process of Manufacture and Processes not regarded as Processes of Manufacture or Processes similar to a Process of Manufacture
43: Treatment of Certain types of Policy Loans
44: Doubtful Debts: Exporters: Credit not Covered by Insurance
South African Revenue Service
1: Provision for Ship Repairs in terms of Section 14(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act
2: Determination of Taxable Income where Financial Assistance has been granted by a Non-Resident of the Republic to a Resident of the Republic
3: Stamp Duty: Mortgage Bonds and Costs Clauses
4: The treatment of gains and losses on Foreign Exchange transactions in terms of Section 24I
5: Stamp Duty Income Tax Secondary Tax on Companies etc
6: Game Farming
7: Determination of the Taxable Income of certain persons from International Transactions: Transfer Pricing (Section 31)
Practice Note 7 of 1999: Addendum
8: Income Tax - Exemption from Income Tax in terms of Section 10(1)(e) of the Income Tax Act, 1962
Withdrawal of Practice Notes
Notice No. 845 of 2004
Withdrawal of Practice Notes
Withdrawal of Practice Notes 8 and 16
Withdrawal of Practice Notes 17
Notice in terms of Section 12T of Income Tax Act, 1962, in respect of person or entity that may administer financial instrument or policy as tax free investment
Notice No. 308 of 2017
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