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Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962)Rates of Normal Tax - 2013Paragraph 3 |
3. | The rate of tax referred to in section 2(1) of this Act to be levied in respect of the taxable income of a company (other than a public benefit organisation or recreational club referred to in paragraph 4 or a small business corporation referred to in paragraph 5) in respect of any year of assessment ending during the period of 12 months ending on 31 March 2014 is, subject to the provisions of paragraph 10, as follows: |
(a) 28 per cent of the taxable income of any company (excluding taxable income referred to in subparagraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e));
(b) | in respect of the taxable income derived by any company from mining for gold on any gold mine with the exclusion of so much of the taxable income as the Commissioner determines to be attributable to the inclusion in the gross income of any amount referred to in paragraph (j) of the definition of ‘‘gross income’’ in section 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1962, but after the set-off of any assessed loss in terms of section 20(1) of that Act, a percentage determined in accordance with the formula: |
y = |
34 |
− 170 |
x |
in which formula y represents such percentage and x the ratio expressed as a percentage which the taxable income so derived (with the said exclusion, but before the set-off of any assessed loss or deduction which is not attributable to the mining for gold from the said mine) bears to the income so derived (with the said exclusion);
(c) | in respect of the taxable income of any company, the sole or principal business of which in the Republic is, or has been, mining for gold and the determination of the taxable income of which for the period assessed does not result in an assessed loss, which the Commissioner determines to be attributable to the inclusion in its gross income of any amount referred to in paragraph (j) of the definition of ‘‘gross income’’ in section 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1962, a rate equal to the average rate of normal tax or 28 per cent, whichever is higher: |
Provided that for the purposes of this subparagraph, the average rate of normal tax shall be determined by dividing the total normal tax (excluding the tax determined in accordance with this subparagraph for the period assessed) paid by the company in respect of its aggregate taxable income from mining for gold on any gold mine for the period from which that company commenced its gold mining operations on that gold mine to the end of the period assessed, by the number of rands contained in the said aggregate taxable income;
(d) | in respect of the taxable income derived by any company from carrying on long-term insurance business in respect of its— |
(i) individual policyholder fund, 30 per cent; and
(ii) company policyholder fund and corporate fund, 28 per cent; and
(e) | in respect of the taxable income derived by a qualifying company contemplated in section 37H of the Income Tax Act, 1962, subject to the provisions of the said section, zero per cent. |