South African Airways Act, 2007
R 385
Independent Police Investigative Directorate Act, 2011 (Act No. 1 of 2011)Regulations for the operation of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate3. Receiving, registering, processing, referral and disposing of complaints |
(1) | A member of the Directorate designated for such purpose must, upon receipt of a complaint contemplated in regulation 2, determine whether or not the complaint falls within the ambit of the provisions of section 28(1)(a) to (g) of the Act. |
(a) | A complaint which falls outside the ambit of the said provisions must, within seven days of receipt or referral, as the case may be, be referred, in writing, to an appropriate authority or institution that is capable of dealing with such complaint. |
(b) | The complainant must, within seven days, be informed in writing and, if practicable, telephonically, of such referral. |
(3) | A complaint which falls within the ambit of the said provisions must, within seven days of the receipt or referral, be registered in a computer-based register designed for this purpose and the complainant must, within the same period, be informed in writing and, if practicable, telephonically, that his or her complaint has been received and that his or her complaint is being investigated by an identified investigator, including the name and contact details of such investigator. |
(4) | A complaint which has been registered in terms of sub-regulation (3) must be disposed of within the time periods contemplated in regulations 4(6), 5(4) or 6(3) and (5), whichever is applicable in the circumstances. |