R 385
Infrastructure Development Act, 2014 (Act No. 23 of 2014)Part 2 : Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission and structures of Commission3. Structures and composition of Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission |
(a) | The Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission which exists when this Act takes effect continues to exist. |
(b) | The Commission acts through its Council. |
(2) | The Commission has— |
(a) | a Council; |
(b) | a Management Committee; |
(c) | a Secretariat; and |
(d) | a Chairperson, coordinator and steering committee for each strategic integrated project. |
(3) | The Council has the following members: |
(a) | The President; |
(b) | the Deputy President; |
(c) | Ministers designated by the President; |
(d) | the Premiers of the Provinces; and |
(e) | the Executive Mayors of metropolitan councils as well as the chairperson of the South African Local Government Association recognised in terms of the Organised Local Government Act, 1997 (Act No. 52 of 1997), as the national organisation representing municipalities. |
(4) | The President, or in his or her absence the Deputy President, is the chairperson of the Council. |
(5) | A decision by the majority of the members present at a meeting of the Commission is a decision of the Council. |
(6) | The Council may determine its own procedures to be followed at its meetings and in the pursuance of the objectives of this Act, and may, in respect of any structure of the Commission, determine such procedures. |
(7) | The Commission may secure such services, assistance or advice from any person as it considers necessary to assist it to perform any of its functions. |