R 385
Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, 2008 (Act No. 51 of 2008)RulesNIPMO Dispute Panel Rules of ProcedurePart C : NIPMO Dispute Panel Procedures4. Referral of a Dispute to the Dispute Panel |
4.1 | A Notice of appeal or review against the administrative decision of NIPMO must be— |
4.1.1 | on prescribed Form IP3 as attached to the IPR Regulations; |
4.1.2 | accompanied by relevant supporting documentation (as referenced in paragraph 13); |
4.1.3 | signed and dated by the Affected Recipient or an authorised representative of the Affected Recipient; |
4.1.4 | filed within 14 days of the decision of NIPMO that is sought to be reviewed or appealed against; and |
4.1.5 | delivered by hand or by registered post and sent electronically to— | | By hand: |
Secretariat: NIPMO Dispute Panel
Department of Science and Technology
DST Building (Building no 53) (CSIR South Gate Entrance)
Meiring Naude Road
Pretoria | By registered post: |
Secretariat: NIPMO Dispute Panel
Department of Science and Technology
Private Bag X727
0001 | Electronically: |
4.2 | In the event that the same appeal or review is brought by more than one Affected Recipient with different authorised representatives the— |
4.2.1 | Form IP3 must be signed by the recipient or authorised representative of the Affected Recipient whose name is listed on the form; and |
4.2.2 | remaining Affected Recipients or their authorised representatives must each confirm by way of an affidavit or written affirmations that all declarations and statements of fact set out on the signed Form IP3 are true. |