R 385
Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)Chapter 5 : Miscellaneous47. Regulations and guidelines |
1) | The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, issue regulations or guidelines not inconsistent with this Act regarding— |
a) | any matter that may be prescribed in terms of this Act; |
b) | a framework for co-ordinating and aligning development priorities and objectives between the three spheres of government; |
c) | a framework for co-ordinating intergovernmental conduct and action affecting municipal functions; |
e) | indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of this Act; and |
f) | any other matter that may facilitate the administration of this Act. |
2) | A regulation or guideline in terms of this section may differentiate between different— |
a) | municipalities, which may, for the purpose of this section, be defined either in relation to categories, types or budgetary size of municipalities or in any other determinable manner; |
b) | functional areas; and |
c) | types of intergovernmental structures established under this Act. |
3) | No guidelines issued in terms of subsection (1) are binding on an organ of state in any sphere of government unless adopted by its executive authority. |
4) | Before regulations or guidelines are issued in terms of subsection (1), the Minister must— |
a) | publish the draft regulations or guidelines in the Gazette for public comment; and |
b) | engage in an appropriate consultative process with relevant organs of state on the substance of the regulations or guidelines. |