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International Health Regulations Act, 1974 (Act No. 28 of 1974)

International Health Regulations

Part III : Health Organization


Article 14


1) Each health administration shall ensure that ports and airports in its territory shall have at their disposal an organization and equipment adequate for the application of the measures provided for in these Regulations.


2) Every port and airport shall be provided with pure drinking-water and wholesome food supplied from sources approved by the health administration for public use and consumption on the premises or on board ships or aircraft. The drinking-water and food shall be stored and handled in such a manner as to ensure their protection against contamination. The health authority shall conduct periodic inspections of equipment, installations and premises, and shall collect samples of water and food for laboratory examinations to verify the observance of this Article. For this purpose and for other sanitary measures, the principles and recommendations set forth in the guides on these subjects published by the Organization shall be applied as far as practicable in fulfilling the requirements of these Regulations.


3) Every port and airport shall also be provided with an effective system for the removal and safe disposal of excrement, refuse, waste water, condemned food, and other matter dangerous to health.


Article 15


There shall be available to as many of the ports and airports in a territory as practicable an organized medical and health service with adequate staff, equipment and premises, and in particular facilities for the prompt isolation and care of infected persons, for disinfection, disinsecting and deratting, for bacteriological investigation, for the collection and examination of rodents for plague infections, for collection of water and food samples and their dispatch to a laboratory for examination, and for other appropriate measures provided for by these Regulations.


Article 16


The health authority for each port and airport shall:

a) take all practicable measures to keep port and airport installations free of rodents;
b) make every effort to extend rat-proofing to the port and airport installations.


Article 17


1) Each health administration shall ensure that a sufficient number of ports in its territory shall have at their disposal adequate personnel competent to inspect ships for the issue of the Deratting Exemption Certificates referred to in Article 54, and the health administration shall approve such ports for that purpose.


2) The health administration shall designate a number of these approved ports, depending upon the volume and incidence of its international traffic, as having at their disposal the equipment and personnel necessary to derat ships for the issue of the Deratting Certificates referred to in Article 54.


3) Each health administration which so designates ports shall ensure that Deratting Certificates and Deratting Exemption Certificates are issued in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations.


Article 18


Each health administration shall designate those airports which possess a direct transit area as defined in Article 1.


Article 19


1) Depending upon the volume of its international traffic, each health administration shall designate as sanitary airports a number of the airports in its territory, provided they meet the conditions laid down in paragraph 2 of this Article, and the provisions of Article 14.


2) Every sanitary airport shall have at its disposal:
a) an organized medical service with adequate staff, equipment and premises;
b) facilities for the transport, isolation, and care of infected persons or suspects;
c) facilities for efficient disinfection and disinsecting, for the control of vectors and rodents, and for any other appropriate measure provided for by these Regulations;
d) a bacteriological laboratory, or facilities for dispatching suspected material to such a laboratory;
e) facilities within the airport for vaccination against smallpox, and facilities within the airport or available to it for vaccination against cholera and yellow fever.


Article 20


1) Every port and the area within the perimeter of every airport shall be kept free from Aedes aegypti in its immature and adult stages and the mosquito vectors of malaria and other diseases of epidemiological significance in international traffic. For this purpose active anti-mosquito measures shall be maintained within a protective area extending for a distance of at least 400 metres around the perimeter.


2) Within a direct transit area provided at any airport situated in or adjacent to an area where the vectors referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article exist, any building used as accommodation for persons or animals shall be kept mosquito-proof.


3) For the purposes of this Article, the perimeter of an airport means a line enclosing the area containing the airport buildings and any land or water used or intended to be used for the parking of aircraft.


4) Each health administration shall furnish data to the Organization once a year on the extent to which its ports and airports are kept free from vectors of epidemiological significance in international traffic.


Article 21


1) Each health administration shall send to the Organization:
a) a list of the ports in its territory approved under Article 17 for the issue of:
i) Deratting Exemption Certificates only; and
ii) Deratting Certificates and Deratting Exemption Certificates.


2) The health administration shall notify the Organization of any change which may occur from time to time in the lists required by paragraph 1 of this Article.


3) The Organization shall send promptly to all health administrations the information received in accordance with this Article.


Article 22


1) The Organization shall, at the request of the health administration concerned, arrange to certify, after any appropriate investigation, that a sanitary airport in its territory fulfills the conditions required by the Regulations.


2) The Organization shall, at the request of the health administration concerned, and after appropriate investigation, certify that a direct transit area at an airport in a yellow-fever infected area in its territory fulfills the conditions required by the Regulations.


3) These certifications shall be subject to periodic review by the Organization, in co-operation with the health administration concerned, to ensure that the required conditions are fulfilled.


4) In the list which the Organization is required to publish under Article 21, it shall indicate those airports certified under the provisions of this Article.


Article 23


1) Wherever the volume of international traffic is sufficiently important and whenever epidemiological conditions so require, facilities for the application of the measures provided for in these Regulations shall be made available at frontier posts, on railway lines, on roads, and where sanitary control over inland navigation is carried out at the frontier, on inland waterways.


2) Each health administration shall notify the Organization when and where such facilities are provided.


3) The Organization shall send promptly to all health administrations the information received in accordance with this Article.