R 385
International Trade Administration Act, 2002 (Act No. 71 of 2002)RegulationsAutomotive Production and Development Programme post 2020 (APDP Phase II) RegulationsNotice No. R. 80 of 2021 |
Notice No. R. 80
11 February 2021
GG 44144
Department of Trade, Industry and Competition
International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa
I, Ebrahim Patel, in my capacity as the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, acting under the powers vested in me by Section 59 of the International Trade Administration Act 2002, (Act No. 71 of 2002) hereby publish Regulations governing the Automotive Production and Development Programme post 2020 (APDP Phase II), effective 01 July 2021.
Ebrahim Patel
Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition
Date: 04/02/2021