R 385
Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act, 1963 (Act No. 16 of 1963)NoticesDesignation of Commissioners of Oaths in terms of Section 6 of the ActNotice No. 903 of 1998 |
Notice No. 903
10 July 1998
GG 19033
Department of Justice
I, Abdulah Mohamed Omar, Minister of Justice, hereby under section 6 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act, 1963 (Act 16 of 1963), designate the holders of the offices listed in the Schedule to be commissioners of oaths for the Republic of South Africa with effect from the date hereof.
A M Omar
Minister of Justice
1. National Executive:
(a) | The President or the Acting President. |
(b) | Minister or Deputy Minister appointed in terms of sections 91(2) and 93, respectively, of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996). |
2. | Administration of justice: |
(a) | Advocate admitted in terms of the Admission of Advocates Act, 1964 (Act 74 of 1964); Admission of Advocates Act, 1964 (Act 74 of 1964) as applicable on 6 December 1977 (former Republic of Bophuthatswana); and the Admission of Advocates Amendment Proclamation 1 of 1992 (former Republic of Venda). |
(b) | Attorney admitted in terms of the Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act 53 of 1979); Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers Act, 1984 (Act 29 of 1984) (former Republic of Bophuthatswana); Attorneys Act, 1987 (Act 42 of 1987) (former Republic of Venda); and Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers Admission Act, 1934 (Act 23 of 1934) (former Republic of Transkei). |
(c) | Clerk of the Court and Assistant Clerk of the Court. |
(d) | Judge's Secretary. |
(e) | Justice of the Peace. |
(f) | Messenger of the Court. |
(g) | Magistrate. |
(h) | Notary admitted in terms of the Attorneys Act, 1979 (Act 53 of 1979); Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers Act, 1984 (Act 29 of 1984) (former Republic of Bophuthatswana); and Attorneys Act, 1987 (Act 42 of 1987) (former Republic of Venda). |
(i) | Peace Officer. |
(j) | Sheriff, Additional Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff. |
(k) | Sworn translator admitted and enrolled in terms of rule 59 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of South Africa; Supreme Court of Bophuthatswana Act, 1982 (Act 32 of 1982) (former Republic of Bophuthatswana); and Supreme Court Decree 43 of 1990 (former Republic of Ciskei). |
3. | Agent registered in terms of regulation 18(5) of the Aliens Control Regulations promulgated in terms of section 56(1) of the Aliens Control Act, 1991 (Act 96 of 1991); and Aliens Control Act, 1963 (Act 3 of 1963) (former Republic of Venda). |
4. | Agricultural Research Council: |
President, Vice-President, Director: Human Resources and Administration, Director of Institute, Personnel Manager, Finance Manager, Head: Administration of Institute, Personnel Officer, Accountant, Farm Manager.
(i) | Any board, council, committee, commission or other body established by or under any law: |
President, Director, Chairperson, Senior General Manager, General Manager, General Manager: Corporate Services, Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Regional Manager, Manager, Administrative and Financial Manager, Manager: Administration, Assistant Manager, Chief: Legal Services, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Officer, Deputy Executive Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Senior Administrative Officer, Administrative Officer, Chief Actuary, Chief Production Marketing Officer, Registrar, Member, Secretary, Chief Accountant, Assistant Chief Accountant, Senior Accountant, Accountant, Inspector, Head of Department, Committee Clerk, officials with the rank of Divisional Manager and higher, Training Adviser.
[Item 5(a)(i) substituted by Notice No. R. 1511 dated 24 December 1999]
(ii) | Any municipality established by or under any law: |
(aa) | Any council member of a municipality; |
(bb) | any officer— |
(i) | who is the Chief Executive Officer or Town Clerk of a municipality; |
(ii) | in the employment of the municipality occupying a post not more than four post levels below the Chief Executive Officer or Town Clerk of a municipality, and any employee of a municipality designated specifically in writing by the Chief Executive Officer or Town Clerk to perform the functions of a Commissioner of Oaths; |
(iii) | employed by an organisation recognised in terms of section 2 of the Organised Local Government Act, 1997 (Act 52 of 1997). |
[Item 5(a)(ii) substituted by Notice No. R. 1687 dated 24 December 1998]
(iii) | uMsekeli constituted in terms of the uMsekeli Support Services Ordinance, 1941 (Ordinance 20 of 1941)— |
(aa) | the Management Body appointed in terms of section 2(2) of the uMsekeli Support Services Ordinance, 1941; |
(bb) | the Chief Executive Officer of uMsekeli; and |
(cc) | any employee of uMsekeli designated specifically in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of uMsekeli to perform the functions of a commissioner of oaths. |
[Item 5(a)(iii) substituted by Notice No. R. 1365 dated 21 December 2001]
(b) | Manager or Superintendent of an emergency camp established by a local authority in terms of any law relating to the prevention of illegal squatting. |
(c) | Officer appointed or designated in terms of any law for the management of a residential area or hostel. |
6. | Armscor: |
(a) | Executive General Manager, Senior General Manager, General Manager, Group Manager, Divisional Manager and Manager. |
(b) | Secretary. |
(c) | Legal Adviser, Legal Assistant and Commercial Adviser. |
(d) | Head: Physical, Personnel, Information, Intelligence and Project Security, Head: Security Operations and any other security officer of equal or higher rank. |
(e) | Director: Personnel, Head: Personnel Administration and any other personnel officer of equal or higher rank. |
(f) | Director: Public Relations. |
6A. | Association of Chartered Certified Accountants: |
Chartered Certified Accountants.
(a) | Association of Accounting Technicians (SA)(AAT(SA): |
Fellow member of AAT (SA) and Member of AAT (SA).
[Item 6A(a) inserted by Notice No. R. 122 of 2015]
(b) | Association of Certified Fraud Examiners South Africa Chapter: |
Certified Fraud Examiner.
[Item 6A(b) inserted by Notice No. R. 122 of 2015]
[Item 6A inserted by Notice No. R. 1321 of 2008]
6B. | Chartered Institute of Management Accountants" |
Fellow Chartered Management Accountant (FCMA) and Associate Chartered Management Accountant (ACMA).
[Item 6B inserted by section 2 of Notice No. 732, GG33472, dated 20 August 2010]
7. | Auditor-General, Office of: |
(a) | Auditor-General. |
(b) | Any Audit Manager and any other staff member of equivalent or higher rank exercising the powers or performing the duties contemplated in the Auditor-General Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1995). |
(c) | Any person in the employment of the Office of the Auditor-General who occupies a post of Audit Manager or equivalent or higher to perform the duties contemplated in the Audit Arrangements Act, 1992 (Act 122 of 1992). |
8. | Aventura Limited: |
(a) | Resort Manager. |
(b) | Chief Manager: Human Resources at Head Office. |
(c) | Administrative Manager at Head Office. |
9. | Banking institution registered in terms of the Banks Act, 1990 (Act No. 94 of 1990), and the Mutual Banks Act, 1993 (Act No.124 of 1993): |
Any employee with a rank of supervisor or higher.
[Item 9 substituted by Notice No. R. 1511 dated 24 December 1999]
(a) | Head Office or Sub-Head Office: |
Director, Chief Executive Officer, Chief General Manager, Chief or General Manager, Assistant Chief or Assistant General Manager, Chief Inspector, Departmental Head: Inspection Department, Assistant of the Chief or General Manager, Legal Adviser, Chief Accountant, Secretary or any other official of equivalent or higher rank, Controller.
(b) | Section or branch of Head Office, Sub-Head Office or Regional Office: |
Manager, Assistant Manager, Sub-Manager, Regional Manager, Senior Chief Assistant, Chief Assistant, Regional Controller, Deputy Manager, Credit Manager, Administrative Controller, Accountant, Senior Inspector, Secretary and any other official of equivalent or higher rank.
(c) | Branch Office or section of Branch office: |
Manager, Assistant Manager, Sub-Manager, Chief Trust Officer, Chief Assistant, any officer whose title contains the word 'Manager', Accountant, Administrative Manager, Office Manager, Secretary and any other official of equivalent or higher rank.
(d) Crime Strategies Department:
General Manager, Commercial Crime Manager, Violent Crime Manager, ATM Project Manager, research Manager and Statistical Manager.
[Item 9(d) inserted by Notice No. R. 847 dated 14 September 2001]
10. | BMW (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd: |
Security Manager, Security Supervisor and Investigator.
11. | Board of Executors as defined in regulation 1 of the regulations published by Government Notice R. 910 of 22 May 1968: |
Manager or Branch Manager, Secretary and Branch Secretary.
11A. | Bosasa Security (Pty) Ltd |
Group Security Coordinator, Area Co-ordinator, Finance Co-ordinator, Special Investigations Coordinator, Operations Co-ordinator, Unit Co-ordinator, Development Co-ordinator, Quality Management Co-ordinator and Support Service Co-ordinator.
[Item 11A inserted by Notice No. R. 402 dated 28 March 2003]
(a) | BoE Investment and Nominee Company (Pty) Limited |
Director, Company Secretary, Departmental Head, any officer whose title contains the word 'Manager', Team leader, Legal Advisor, Risk Officer, Compliance Officer.
[Item 11B(a) inserted by Notice No. R. 1675 dated 21 November 2003]
(b) BoE Investment and Nominee Company (Pty) Limited
Director, Company Secretary, Departmental Head, any officer whose title contains the word 'Manager', Team leader, Legal Advisor, Risk Officer, Compliance Officer.
[Item 11B(b) inserted by Notice No. R. 1675 dated 21 November 2003]
12. | Building society registered in terms of the Building Societies Act, 1986 (Act 82 of 1986). |
(a) | Head Office: |
Senior Managing Director, Managing Director. Deputy Managing Director, Administrative Director, Financial Director, Chief Executive Officer, General Manager, Deputy or Assistant General Manager, Manager, Assistant Manager, Sub-Manager, Chief Accountant and Secretary.
(b) Regional Office:
Manager, Assistant Manager, Sub-Manager and Accountant.
(c) | Branch Office and Sub-Branch Office: |
Manager, Assistant Manager, Sub-Manager and Accountant.
(d) | Control company registered in terms of section 22 of the above-mentioned Act: Group Secretary. |
13. | Census and statistics: Taking and collection thereof in terms of the Statistics Act, 1976 (Act 66 of 1976); Statistics Act, 1978 (Act 28 of 1978) (former Republic of Bophuthatswana); and Statistics Act, 1957 (Act 73 of 1957) (former Republic of Venda): |
All officers and employees exercising any powers or performing any duties contemplated in the said Acts.
14. | Chambers of industries and of commerce, national organisations/associations registered in terms of section 21 of the Companies Act, 1973 (Act 61 of 1973), and trade unions and employers' organisations or federations of such trade unions or employers' organisations registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act 66 of 1995): |
Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director/Director, Secretary or any official performing the duties normally performed by a secretary, Accountant/Financial Manager and Legal and/or Labour Affairs/Manpower Adviser/ Secretary/Director.
14A. | Chartered Secretaries Southern Africa |
Fellow Members and Associate Members
[Item 14A inserted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 83, GG 39641, dated 29 January 2016]
14AA. | Chartered Financial Analyst Society of South Africa |
Charterholder Member
[Item 14AA inserted by section 2 of Notice No. 780, GG 41811, dated 3 August 2018]
15. | Co-operative registered or deemed to be registered in terms of the Co-operatives Act, 1981 (Act 91 of 1981): |
Chief Executive Officer, General Manager and Secretary.
Branch Manager and Depot Manager.
15A. | Co-operative incorporated as a company in terms of section 161A of Co-operatives Act, 1981 (Act 91 of 1981), read with section 63 of the Companies Act, 1973 (Act 61 of 1973): |
Chief Executive Officer, General Manager and Secretary.
Branch Manager and Depot Manager.
[Item 15A inserted by Notice No. R. 623 dated 16 May 2003]
16. | Council for Mineral Technology established in terms of the Mineral Technology Act, 1989 (Act 30 of 1989): |
Director, Assistant Director, Manager, Legal Adviser, Section Head and any official of a higher rank, Senior Security Officer and Research Administration Officer.
16A. | Credo |
Chief Operations Officer
[Item 16A inserted by Notice No. R. 942 dated 4 July 2003]
17. | CSIR |
Strategic Units:
Director, Head and General Manager, Legal Adviser, Senior Security Officer and any official of a higher rank, Personnel Manager, Financial Manager, Senior Personnel Officer, Programme Manager and Function Manager.
18. | Department of Correctional Services: |
All correctional officials in the service of the Department of Correctional Services.
19. | Development Bank of Southern Africa: |
Manager: Programmes and Projects, Manager: Programmes, Manager, Economic Analysis and
Projections, Manager: Manpower and Training, Personnel Manager, Secretary/Legal Adviser and Chief: Legal Services.
20. | Durban City Police: |
Chief Inspector, Inspector, Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable, Sergeant and Constable.
21. | Educational institution: |
(a) | Private school: |
Principal or Headmaster/Headmistress.
(b) | School, training college, technical college and college of education established by or in terms of a law: |
Principal, Headmaster/Headmistress, Rector, Deputy Principal, Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress and Vice-Rector.
(c) | Educational auxiliary services and professional components: |
Incumbent of a post at post level 4 and higher.
22. | Eskom: |
(a) | Security Member with the rank of Senior Inspector or higher. |
(b) | Legal Adviser (all ranks). |
(c) | Internal Auditor (all ranks). |
(d) | Official with the rank of Chief Officer or higher. |
(e) | Head: |
Public Relations.
Health Services.
Township, other residential area or hostel.
23. | First National Asset Management and Trust Company (Proprietary) Limited: |
Manager, Assistant Manager and Chief Trust Officer.
23A. | Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa: |
Certified Financial Planner.
[Item 23A inserted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 112, GG 30722, dated 8 February 2008]
24. | Foundation for Research Development including the National Accelerator Centre, the South African Astronomical Observatory and the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory: |
President, Vice-President, Director of division or of national research facility, Financial Manager, Group Accountant, Account, Personnel Manager, Senior Personnel Officer, Programme Manager and Manager of a department.
25. | Gold Fields Security Limited: |
Manager, Assistant Manager, Head: Administration, Head: Finance, Head: Crime Investigations, Head: Operations, Regional Security Officer, Crime Investigating Officer.
[Item 25 substituted by Notice No. R. 1687 dated 24 December 1998]
26. | Health services: |
(a) | District Surgeon, Additional District Surgeon and Assistant District Surgeon. |
(b) | Government-subsidised hospital: |
Matron, Medical Superintendent, Secretary and Sister.
(c) | Private hospital: |
Any officer whose title contains the word 'Manager', a Superintendent and a Matron.
26A. | An independent assessor appointed in terms of section 44 of the Higher Education act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) or any person appointed in terms of section 48 of the Higher Education Act, 1997. |
[Item 26A inserted by section 2 of Notice No.R. 408, GG 38793, dated 15 May 2015]
27. | Special Investigating Unit: |
[Heading of Item 27 substituted by Notice No. R. 1551 dated 31 October 2003]
Member appointed in terms of section 3 of the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act, 1996 (Act 74 of 1996).
28. | Indigent Subsidy Scheme of the Municipality of Port Elizabeth: |
29. | Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited, established by section 2 of the Industrial Development Act, 1940 (Act 22 of 1940): |
General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Secretary and Chief: Legal Department.
29A. | The Institute of Accounting and Commerce: |
Accounting Officers
Financial Accountant in Commerce
Certified Tax Practitioner.
[Item 29A substituted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 1255, GG 40346, dated 14 October 2016]
29B. | Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants: |
Certified Technical Financial Accountant (SA) and Certified Financial Accountant (SA).".
[Item 29B substituted by section 4 of Notice No. R. 700, GG 37980, dated 12 September 2014]
29C. | Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa: |
Certified Internal Auditor.
[Item 29C inserted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 546, GG 37806, dated 11 July 2014]
30. | Insurer registered in terms of the Insurance Act, 1943 (Act 27 of 1943): |
(a) | Head Office: |
Any Assistant Manager and any other official of equivalent or higher rank, Accountant, Legal Adviser and Secretary.
(b) | Office other than Head Office: |
Any Assistant Manager, Consultant and official of equivalent or higher rank, Office Manager,
Production Manager and Legal Adviser.
31. | Joint Municipal Pension Fund: |
Chief Manager, Deputy Chief Manager, Manager: Legal Services, Manager: Investments, Manager: Finance Manager: Properties, Manager: Corporate Services, Manager: Communication and Marketing, Vice-Accountant: Contributions, Vice-Accountant: Pensions, Liaison Officer, Senior Accountant, Accountant, Manager: Benefits.
[Item 31 substituted by Notice No. R. 1510 dated 24 December 1999]
32. | Ithala Development Finance Corporation Limited: |
(a) | Executive Director, Executive Officer, Legal Adviser, Divisional Manager, General Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager. |
(b) | Branch Manager in a post with a grading of C1 or higher. |
(c) | Manager, Section Head and any official in a post with a grading of C1 or higher. |
(d) | Assistant Branch Manager and Emergency Relief Officer. |
[Item 32 substituted by Notice No. R. 950 dated 6 August 1999]
33. | Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa: |
Managing Director, Member of the Land Bank Board, General Manager and an official who is utilised in an administrative capacity.
34. | Marriage Officer: |
Marriage Officer appointed in terms of the Marriage Act, 1961 (Act 25 of 1961); the Marriages, Births
and Deaths Amendment Act, 1986 (Act 41 of 1986) (former Republic of Venda); the Marriage Act,1988
(Act 24 of 1988) (former Republic of Ciskei); and Marriage Act, 1978 (Act 21 of 1978) (former
Republic of Transkei).
34A. | [Item 34A deleted by section 4 of Notice No. R. 546, GG 37806, dated 11 July 2014] |
34B. | Medihelp Medical Scheme: |
(a) | Principal Officer; |
(b) | Head: Finance; |
(c) | Senior Manager: Finance; |
(d) | Senior Manager: Growth; |
(e) | Senior Manager: Administration; |
(f) | Senior Manager: Legal Risk and Compliance; |
(g) | Chief Internal Audit and Forensic Investigations; |
(h) | Governance and Compliance Officer; and |
(i) | Risk and Compliance Officer . |
[Item 34B inserted by section 2 of Notice No. 2304, GG 47061, dated 22 July 2022]
35. | Mining industry: |
Administrative Manager, Financial Manager, Administrative Secretary, Mine Secretary, Controller (Finance and Administration), Chief Superintendent (Security), Superintendent (Security), Mine Security Officer and Mine Detective.
The Chief Executive Officer, the Business Manager, the Operations Manager, the Technical Manager, the Business Referral and Information Network Manager, the Human Resources Manager and the General Managers of nine provincial section 21 companies.
[Item 35A substituted by Notice No. R. 401 dated 28 March 2003]
36. | National Defence Force: |
(a) | Auxiliary Service: |
Member (with the rank of inspector) of an auxiliary service established and designated in terms of section 80 of the Defence Act, 1957 (Act 44 of 1957).
(b) | Citizen Force: |
Officer of and above the rank of Captain and Adjutant of Unit.
(c) | Commando: |
Officer of or above the rank of Captain and Adjutant of Unit.
(d) | Permanent Force: |
Warrant Officer.
(e) | Military Police: |
Officer and any other rank as defined in section 1(1) of the Defence Act, 1957.
37. | National Key Points declared in terms of the National Key Points Act, 1980 (Act 102 of 1980): |
Chief Security Officer and Deputy Chief Security Officer.
Principal Vice-Principal and Chief Training Officer of a training institution which has been approved by the Minister of Defence by virtue of section 11 of the Act.
38. | National Petroleum Refiners of South Africa Proprietary Limited: |
Chief Security Officer, Senior and Shift Control Officers of Security.
39. | National Training Board established by section 3 of the Manpower Training Act, 1981 (Act 56 of 1981): |
Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
40. | Nissan South Africa (Pty) Ltd: |
(a) | Security Manager. |
(b) | Chief Security Officer or acting Chief Security Officer. |
41. | Nuclear Development Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Ltd: |
(a) | Chief Security Officer, Deputy Chief Security Officer, Senior Security Officer. |
(b) | Chief: Public Relations. |
(c) | Chief Medical Officer. |
(d) | Manager and Assistant Manager: Administration. |
(e) | Manager: Personnel. |
(f) | Legal Adviser. |
42. | Old-age homes and retirement resorts: |
Any officer whose title contains the word 'Manager', Assistant Manager, Director, Matron, Administrative Officer, Social Worker, Administrator.
43. | Parliament: |
(a) | National Assembly: |
Deputy Speaker.
(b) | National Council of Provinces: |
Deputy Chairperson.
44. | Patents: |
Patents Agent.
45. | Political party registered in terms of section 18 of the Electoral Act, 1993: |
Organiser in the full-time employment of a political party.
46. | Posts and Telecommunications: |
(a) | Officers in the Administrative, Professional, Clerical, Technical or General A and General B Divisions occupying a post with a salary scale the minimum notch of which is equivalent to or higher than the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to the post of Clerk. |
(b) | Employees held against posts in the Administrative, Professional, Clerical, Technical or General A and General B Divisions if the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to such posts is equivalent to or higher than the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to the post of Clerk. |
46A. | PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd - Forensic Services Department: |
Director, Associate Director, Senior Manager, Manager and Senior Associate.
[Item 46A substituted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 121 dated 23 February 2015]
47. | Provincial Government: |
(a) | Provincial Legislature: |
Deputy Speaker.
Deputy Secretary.
(b) | Provincial Executive Authority: |
Premier or Acting Premier.
Executive Council: Member.
48. | Public Service Commission: Commissioner. |
49. | Public Service: |
(a) | Officers in the Administrative, Professional, Clerical, Technical or General A and General B Divisions of the Public Service occupying a post with a salary scale the minimum notch of which is equivalent to or higher than the minimum notch of salary level 2 applicable in the Public Service. |
(b) | Employees held against posts in the Administrative, Professional, Clerical, Technical or General A and General B Divisions of the Public Service if the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to such posts is equivalent to or higher than the minimum notch of salary level 2 applicable in the Public Service. |
50. | Rand Water: |
General Manager: Corporate Services, Legal Services Manager, Legal Adviser/Assistant (all ranks), General Manager, Departmental Manager, Pumping Station Manager and Distribution Manager.
51. | Referendums: |
(a) | Referendum agent appointed in terms of regulations made in terms of section 4 of the Referendums Act, 1983 (Act 108 of 1983). |
(b) | Sub-agent appointed in terms of regulations made in terms of section 4 of the Referendums Act, 1983. |
52. | Registration of deaths: |
A person contemplated in section 4 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1992 (Act 51 of 1992), who has been authorised to perform the duty of registering deaths.
53. | Sasol Marketing Company Limited: |
Chief Security Officer, acting Chief of the Alrode Depot and Export Manager.
53A. | SA Board for People Practices: |
Master Human Resources Professional, Chartered Human Resources Professional, Human Resources Professional and Human Resources Associate.
[Item 53A inserted by Notice No. 122, GG 38498, dated 23 February 2015]
54. | Sasol Townships Limited: |
55. | Sheltered employment factories under the control of the Department of Labour: |
56. | Small Business Development Corporation Limited: |
Managing Director, Senior General Manager or other official of equal rank, General Manager or other official of equal rank, Group Secretary, Regional Secretary or other official of equal rank, Legal Adviser and other official of equal rank.
57. | South African Agricultural Union: |
58. | South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation Limited: |
Security Adviser, Chief Security Officer and his or her assistant, and Senior Security Officer.
59. | South African Development Trust Corporation Limited referred to in section 12 of the Abolition of Racially Based Land Measures Act, 1991 (Act 108 of 1991): |
Managing Director, General Manager: Finance and Transport, General Manager: Agriculture, General
Manager: Mining, General Manager: Industrial Development and Commerce, Senior Manager: Legal
and Managerial Services, Senior Manager: Human Resources Development, Manager: Legal and Secretarial Services, Chief: Security Services.
60. South African Gas Distribution Corporation Limited:
Chief Security Officer or acting Chief Security Officer.
61. | South African Housing Trust Limited: |
Managing Director, General Manager, Assistant General Manager, Senior Manager and Quality Assurance Assistant.
61A. | South African Institution of Chartered Accountants: |
Chartered Accountants of South Africa and
Associate General Accountants of South Africa.
[Item 61A substituted by Notice No. R. 947 dated 4 July 2003]
61B. | South African Institute of Professional Accountants: |
Professional Accountant (SA), Professional Tax Practitioner (SA) and Professional Tax Specialist (SA)s.
[Item 61B substituted by section 3 of Notice No. R. 700, GG 37980, dates 12 September 2014]
61C. | South African Institute of Tax Professionals: |
Chartered Tax Advisor (SA), Master Tax Professional (SA) and General Tax Professional (SA), Master Tax Practitioner (SA), General Tax Practitioner (SA), Tax Technician (SA).
[Item 61C substituted by section 2 of Notice No. 1321, GG 42769, dated 16 October 2019]
61D. | South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Heath: |
Chartered Member.
[Item 61D inserted by section 2 of Notice No. 769, GG 45058, dated 27 August 2021]
61E. | South African Insurance Crime Bureau: |
Senior Project Managers, Project Managers, Investigators, Junior Investigators.
[Item 61E inserted by section 2 of Notice No. 2376, GG 46705, dated 12 August 2022]
61F. | Compliance Institute Southern Africa: |
Compliance Practitioner, Compliance Professional, Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Practioner.
[Item 61F inserted by section 2 of Notice No. 3873, GG 49307, dated 14 September 2023]
62. | South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation Limited: |
Security Officer.
62A. | South African Maritime Safety Authority: |
(a) | Chief Executive Officer, Manager (all ranks), Legal Officer, Principal Officer, Ship Surveyor. |
(b) | Registrar of Ships. |
(c) | Registrar of Seafarers. |
[Item 62A inserted by Notice No. R. 950 dated 6 August 1999]
63. | South African Police Service: |
All members of the Force, including temporary members, members of the Reserve Police Force and members of the Police Reserve when on duty as such.
64. | South African Post Office Limited: |
(a) | Permanent employees who render a service in a clerical capacity and who occupy posts with a salary scale the minimum notch of which is equivalent to or higher than the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to the post of Administrative Officer. |
(b) | Temporary or part-time employees held against posts in the Clerical Division, if the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to such posts is equivalent to or higher than the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to the post of Administrative Officer. |
65. | South African Reserve Bank established by section 9 of the Currency and Banking Act, 1920 (Act No. 31 of 1920): |
(a) | Governor, Senior Deputy Governor, Deputy Governors and Chief Operating Officer. |
(b) | All employees of the South African Reserve Bank appointed in the following employment bands: |
(i) | M2 and higher; |
(ii) | SP5 and higher; |
(iii) | M1 and higher in respect of employees appointed as a Branch Manager; and |
(iv) | such other equivalent appointment to those mentioned in paragraph (i), (ii) and (iii) above, as may be implemented by the South African Reserve Bank from time to time. |
[Item 65 substituted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 741, GG 39126, dated 21 August 2015]
66. | South African Revenue Service: |
An employee of the South African Revenue Service occupying a post on grade 5 or higher of the post
grading system applicable to the South African Revenue Service.
[Item 66 substituted by Notice No. R. 301 dated 6 April 2001]
66A. | South African Social Security Agency, established in terms of section 2 of the South African Social Security Agency Act, 2004 (Act No. 9 of 2004): |
All officials of the South African Social Security Agency appointed from appointment level 7 and higher.
[Item 66A substituted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 542, GG 36708, dated 2 August 2013]
66B. | Southern African Institute for Business Accountants |
Business Accountants in Practice
[Item 66B inserted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 421, GG 37683, dated 30 May 2014]
66C. | Southern African Instituted of Government Auditors: |
Registered Government Auditors.
[Item 66C inserted by section 2 of Notice No. R. 909, GG 37063, dated 29 November 2013]
67. | Staff Management Board, established in terms of section 4 of the Post Office Service Act, 1974 (Act 66 of 1974): |
67A. | Strata Healthcare Management Ltd: |
Senior Manager: Internal Audit, Manager: Forensic Audit, Senior Forensic Auditor and Forensic Auditor.
[Item 67A inserted by section 3 of Notice No. R. 546, GG 37806, dated 11 July 2014]
68. | Strategic Fuel Fund Association: |
Chief Security Officer and acting Chief of the Durban, Ogies and Milnerton tank farms.
69. | South African Geomatics Council: |
(a) | Professional Land Surveyor; |
(b) | geomatics professional; and |
(c) | geomatics technologist, |
registered in terms of the Geomatics Profession Act, 2013 (Act No. 19 of 2013)
[Item 69 substituted by section 2 of Notice No. 68, GG 41419, dated 2 February 2018]
70. | Tattersalls: |
71. | Technikon established by or under any Act: |
Rector, Vice-Rector, Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Senior Director, Director, Associate Director, Head of Department, Section Head in a supervisory capacity.
72. | Telkom South Africa Limited: |
Employees occupying posts with a salary scale the minimum notch of which is equivalent to or higher
than the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to the post of Administrative Officer (Leg 1).
72A. | Traditional Leaders: |
All duly appointed traditional leaders.
[Item 72A inserted by Notice No. R. 1180 dated 17 November 2000]
73. | Transnet Limited, including business undertakings and units thereof: |
(a) | Members of the Management Cadre, Senior Officers, Liaison Officer (Labour Relations), Employment and Registration Officer, Vocational and Welfare Officer, Assistant Superintendent (concerned with claims investigations) and Chief Clerk (concerned with claims investigations). |
(b) | Supervisory Officer (including a clerk who exercises direct control over other employees). |
(c) | Manager (Hostel). |
(d) | Security Officer. |
74. | Trust Company as defined in regulation 1 of the regulations published by Government Notice R. 910 of 22 May 1968: |
Manager, Branch Manager, Secretary and Branch Secretary.
75. | University: |
Rector, Vice-Rector, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Principal, Vice-Principal, Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Deans of Faculties, Chief Accountant, Director, Deputy Director, Accountant, Faculty Secretary and officers in the administration of a university occupying a post with a salary scale the minimum notch of which is equivalent to or higher than the minimum notch of the salary scale applicable to the post of Assistant Personnel Officer in the Public Service.
[Item 75 substituted by Notice No. R. 1366 dated 21 December 2001]
76. | Uranium Enrichment Corporation of South Africa (Pty) Ltd: |
(a) | Chief Security Officer, Deputy Chief Security Officer, Senior Security Officer. |
(b) | Chief: Public Relations. |
(c) | Chief Medical Officer. |
(d) | Manager and Assistant Manager: Administration. |
(e) | Manager: Personnel. |
(f) | Legal Adviser. |
77. | President Kruger Children's Home Pretoria: |
Chairperson of Management
Special investigators appointed in terms of section 19A(1) of the National Prosecuting Authority Act,
1998 (Act 32 of 1998).
[Item substituted by Notice No. R. 109 dated 2 February 2001]