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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Chapter VI : Trade Unions and Employers" OrganisationsPart C : Registrar of Labour Relations110. Access to information |
(1) | Any person may inspect any of the following documents in the registrar"s office— |
(a) | the registers of registered trade unions, registered employers" organisations, federations of trade unions, federations of employers" organisations and councils; |
(b) | the certificates of registration and the registered constitutions of registered trade unions, registered employers" organisations, and councils, and the constitutions of federations of trade unions and federations of employers" organisations; and |
(c) | the auditor"s report in so far as it expresses an opinion on the matters referred to in section 98(2)(b)(ii). |
(2) | The registrar must provide a certified copy of, or extract from, any of the documents referred to in subsection (1) to any person who has paid the prescribed fee. |
(3) | Any person who is a member, office—bearer or official of a registered trade union or of a registered employers" organisation, or is a member of a party to a council, may inspect any document that has been provided to the registrar in compliance with this Act by that person"s registered trade union, registered employers" organisation or council. |
(4) | The registrar must provide a certified copy of, or extract from, any document referred to in subsection (3) to any person who has a right in terms of that subsection to inspect that document and who has paid the prescribed fee. |
(5) | The registrar must provide any of the following information to any person free of charge— |
(a) | the names and work addresses of persons who are national office—bearers of any registered trade union, registered employers" organisation, federation or council; |
(b) | the address in the Republic at which any registered trade union, registered employers" organisation, federation or council will accept service of any document that is directed to it; and |
(c) | any of the details of a federation of trade unions or a federation of employers" organisations referred to in section 107(1)(a), (c) and (e). |