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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and ArbitrationRules for the Conduct of Proceedings before the CCMASchedulesSchedule OneAddresses of the Department of Labour : Labour CentresFree State |
37 Louw Street, Bethlehem
P O Box 1244, Bethlehem, 9700
Tel: (058) 303 5293; Fax: (058) 303 4100
Corner Maitland & West Burger Streets, Bloemfontein
P O Box 2058, Bloemfontein, 9300
Tel: (051) 411 6400; Fax: (051) 447 6067
158 Canon Building, Botshabelo, 9781
P O Box 963, Thabu Nchu, 9780
Tel: (051) 534 3789; Fax: (051) 534 3622
Quart House A and B, 28 Voortrekker Street, Ficksburg
P O Box 655, Ficksburg, 9730
Tel: (051) 933 2299; Fax: (051) 933 3705
43 Stuart Street, Harrismith
P O Box 748, Harrismith, 9880
Tel: (058) 623 2977; Fax: (058) 622 1869
Corner 2 Buitekant and Stattion Streets, Kroonstad
P O Box 437, Kroonstad, 9500
Tel: (056) 215 1812; Fax: (056) 215 1772
34 Ossewa Street, Petrusburg
P O Box 260, Petrusburg, 9932
Tel: (053) 574 0932; Fax: (053) 574 0623
Corner Lieta and Moropotsane Streets, Phuthaditjhaba
Private Bag X27, Phuthaditjhaba, 9866
Tel: (058) 713 0373; Fax: (058) 713 6704
No 1, Die Akker Building, Fichardt Street, Sasolburg
P O Box 473, Sasolburg, 9470
Tel: (016) 970 3200; Fax: (016) 976 2192
Raymond House, 53 Mooi Street, Welkom
P O Box 463, Welkom, 9460
Tel: (057) 391 0200; Fax: (057) 391 0201
24 A Gustavus Street, Zastron
P O Box 325, Zastron, 9950
Tel: (051) 673 1471; Fax: (051) 673 1491