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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and ArbitrationRules for the Conduct of Proceedings before the CCMASchedulesSchedule OneAddresses of the Department of Labour : Labour CentresKwaZulu-Natal |
63 Victoria Street, Dundee
P O Box 445, Dundee, 3000
Tel: (034) 212 3147/8; Fax: (034) 212 2368
Government Buildings, Masonic Grove, Durban
P O Box 10074, Marine Parade, 4056
Tel: (031) 336 1500; Fax: (031) 336 1506
75 Phillip Street, Estcourt
PO Box 449, Estcourt, 3310
Tel: (036) 342 9361/9369; Fax: (036) 352 3364
Corner Parker and Hope Street, Kokstad
P O Box 260, Kokstad, 4700
Tel: (039) 727 2140/5643/4931/5361; Fax: (039) 727 1942
35 Keate Street, Ladysmith
Private Bag X9926, Ladysmith, 3370
Tel: (036) 638 1900/1/2/3; Fax: (036) 638 1914
29 Scott Streets, Newcastle
P O Box 985, Newcastle, 2940
Tel: (034) 312 6038/3334; Fax: (034) 312 6047
370 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg
Private Bag X9048, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
Tel: (033) 341 5300; Fax: (033) 394 5069
49 Kings Road, Pinetown, 3610
PO Box 1025, Pinetown, 3600
Tel: (031) 701 7740; Fax: (031) 701 7782
Port Shepstone
17 Bisset Street, Port Shepstone
P O Box 379, Port Shepstone, 4240
Tel: (039) 682 2406/7; Fax: (039) 682 5417
1 Prospecton Place, Prospecton
P O Box 343, Umbongintwini, 4120
Tel: (031) 913 9700; Fax: (031) 913 9732
Richards Bay
11 Lira Rink Road, Richards Bay
Private Bag X20033, Empangeni, 3880
Tel: (035) 780 8700; Fax: (035) 789 3781
60 Shepstone Street, Richmond
P O Box 852, Richmond, 3780
Tel: (033) 212 2768; Fax: (033) 212 4137
12 Cato Street, Stanger
P O Box 138, Stanger, 4450
Tel: (032) 551 4291/7300; Fax: (032) 551 2301
Unit A, Wombe Street, Block 2C, Ulundi
Private Bag X56, Ulundi, 3838
Tel: (035) 879 8800/02/42; Fax: (035) 879 1702
13 Wick Street, Verulam
P O Box 1144, Verulam, 4340
Tel: (032) 541 5600/03; Fax: (032) 533 1416
99 Landrose Street, Vryheid
P O Box 430, Vryheid, 3100
Tel: (034) 980 8992/8820; Fax: (034) 980 9217