R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and ArbitrationRules regulating the Practice and Procedure for Resolving Disputes4. Filing of Documents |
1) | Documents may be filed with the Commission in any one of the following ways: |
a) | By handing the document to the office of the provincial registrar; |
b) | by sending a copy of the document by registered post to the Commission; or |
c) | by faxing the document to the Commission at the fax numbers listed for each province in rule 2. |
2) | A document is filed with the Commission on- |
a) | the date on which the document is handed to the office of the provincial registrar; |
b) | the date on which the document sent by registered post is received by the Commission; or |
c) | completion of the whole of the transmission of a fax. |
3) | In the case of filing by faxing the document, the original document must be lodged within five days of the Commission requesting it. |