R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Labour Market and Human Resource Development for Job Creation Social Plan4. The Establishment of Future Forms |
1) | A social plan approach is most effective when it arises from timeous analysis of problems in a particular sector or company, because this makes it possible to explore appropriate solutions and to implement these in a properly planned way. |
2) | If attempts at developing a social plan wait until a retrenchment proposal is tabled, then there are often serious time limitations on the process, and the options available are therefore far more limited. |
3) | NEDLAC parties should therefore promote ongoing discussions between workers' representatives and employers about the future of their industries, and enterprises, and set up 'early warning systems' that can identify problems timeously. |
4) | The establishment of future forums, whether separately or part of existing bargaining forums, is therefore proposed. These forums will involve employees and their representatives and management, to look ahead at problems, challenges and possible solutions. |