R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Textile Bargaining Council: Extension to Non-parties of the Main Collective AgreementPart 2AnnexuresAnnexure G: Manufactured Fibres SubsectorSchedule 1G. Organisational Rights38. Shop Steward's Rights and Facilities |
38.1 | Shop stewards' rights and facilities shall be as follows: |
38.1.1 | All bargaining unit employees will be granted an accumulated 1,5 (one and a half) hours' paid time off per quarter each year, for union meetings. The timing of these meetings must be agreed at plant level, operational requirement considerations being a priority. |
38.1.2 | Each shop steward shall be entitled to 13 days paid time off for union activities. Companies who currently grant less than 10 days paid time off per shop steward for union activities shall treat seven days as paid time off days, and three days as unpaid provided that one day per annum of the unpaid time off days will become a paid day until a maximum of ten days is reached. |
38.1.3 | All shop stewards of trade unions party to the Bargaining Council shall be granted reasonable access to a telephone, a fax machine, meeting facilities for shop steward committee meetings, access to email, limited Internet facilities and a trade union office at the workplace. |
38.1.4 | Shop stewards at each establishment shall be granted two (2) hours' paid time off for factory shop steward committee meetings each month. |
38.1.5 | One shop steward per company will be allowed paid time off for Bargaining Council and SETA related meetings. |
38.1.6 | Each shop steward committee shall, on request from the senior shop steward at the employers' establishment, be provided with schedules reflecting all employees in the bargaining unit. |
38.1.7 | SACTWU shall be entitled to on-site ballot facilities provided the ballot it wishes to conduct is in terms of SACTWU's constitution and/or the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, and that timeous and proper notice is given to the employer concerned of the holding of the ballot and the reasons thereof. |