R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Textile Bargaining CouncilEmployer and Trade Union Agency Shop Collective AgreementExtension to Non-PartiesPart 2Annexure A: Blanket sub-sector5. Employer Agency Shop |
5.1 | As per the provisions of clause 5 of Part 1 of this agreement. |
5.2 | A employer agency fee shall apply to all employers in this subsector who, although being eligible to be members of the relevant employers' organisation namely South African Blanket Manufacturers Employer's Organization, are not members of the relevant employers' organisation. |
5.3 | Employers in this subsector who are not members of the relevant employers' organisation must be informed of the employer agency shop and the amount that will be payable via the bargaining council. |
5.4 | The employers affected in this subsector shall pay an employer agency shop fee of forty (R0.40) cents per week per employee, employed in this subsector, in line with the provisions of the Council's main collective agreement. |
5.5 | The employer agency fee shall be paid annually in advance in January each year to the Bargaining Council. |
5.6 | The employer agency shop fee paid by employers falling within this subsector, shall be payable to the Bargaining Council and shall thereafter be paid over to the relevant Employers' Organisation namely, South African Blanket Manufacturers Employer's Organisation, within 30 days of receipt of the amounts by the Bargaining Council. |