Acts Online
GT Shield

Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)

Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration

Bargaining Councils Accredited by the CCMA

Notice No. 2535 of 2024

Bargaining Councils and Statutory Council accredited to conduct Conciliation and Arbitration, subject to conditions where applicable




Name of Council

Accredited Functions



Bargaining Council for the Food Retail, Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades

Accredited for Conciliations and Arbitrations (including Inquiry by Arbitrator) from 01 May 2024 until 30 April 2027 on condition that no late awards are rendered and subject to the terms set out in the accompanying attachment.

Bargaining Council for Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades

Accredited for Conciliations and Arbitrations (including Inquiry by Arbitrator) from 01 June 2024 until 31 May 2027 on condition that no late awards are rendered and subject to the terms set out in the accompanying attachment.

South African Road Passenger Bargaining Council (SARPBAC)

Accredited for Conciliations and Arbitrations (including Inquiry by Arbitrator) from 01 June 2024 until 31 May 2027 subject to the terms set out in the accompanying attachment.

Statutory Council for the Squid and Related Fisheries of South Africa

Accredited for Conciliation and Arbitration (which includes inquiry by arbitrator) from 01 June 2024 until 31 May 2027 subject to the terms set out in the accompanying attachment.