R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing IndustryKwaZulu NatalExtension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective AgreementPart 2Annexure B9. Death and Disability Scheme |
(1) | A Death and Disability Scheme for all employees within the Scope of Application of this Part of the Agreement is hereby established. |
(2) | Service provider for the duration of this Agreement shall be the Fedgroup. |
(3) | Contributions: |
(a) | Employer R20.34 per month. |
(b) | Employee R20.33 per month. |
(4) | Benefits: |
(a) | All benefits are up to the age of 60. |
(b) | Life cover is equal to once annual income capped at a maximum of R12 000.00 |
(c) | Capital disability cover equal to once annual income capped at a maximum of R12 000.00 |
(d) | The Funeral cover for members is as follows : |
Insured Amount
Employee |
R15 000.00 |
Spouse |
R15 000.00 |
Child (15 to 24 years old) |
R15 000.00 |
Child (6 to 14 years old) |
R7 500.00 |
Child ( 0 to 5 years old) |
R3 750.00 |
Stillborn |
R3 750.00 |
(5) | Payment of Death and Disability: |
All payments of the Death and Disability Scheme shall be as follows:
(1) | Payments shall be made month by month and not later than the 10th day of each month following. |
(2) | All payments in respect of the Death and disability Scheme, shall be made towards the Secretary of the Council for payment to the Fedsure Group. |
(3) | Any payment in terms of Sub-clause (2) above, shall be in the prescribed form as specified by the Council from time to time. |
(4) | The employer shall pay both the employer and employee Death and Disability Scheme contributions in cases where an employee is on unpaid sick leave for a period of up to six (6) months, on condition that the employee has contributed to the Death and Disability Scheme for at least twelve (12) months prior to going off on unpaid sick leave. |
(5) | Arrear payments : An employer that is in arrears with the payment of the Death and Disability Scheme and who, after being warned by the Council in writing, fails to forward such outstanding amounts within seven days of the date such notice was issued, shall by further notification, submit the amounts payable in terms of this clause, weekly, subject to the provisions of Clause 5, Sub-clauses (8) and (9), read with changes to the context thereof. |
[Part 2 Annexure B(9) inserted by section 4 of Notice No. R. 3666 of GG48959, dated 14 July 2023]