R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI)Main Collective AgreementSchedulesSchedule 6 : Prescribed FormsAnnexure A.6 : Annual payment voucher |
Ver. 06/11
Annexure A.6
National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry
Annual Payment Voucher
Private Bag X69, Braamfontein
31 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Tel.: (011 703-7000 / Fax.: (011) 339-1380
Online: www.nbcrfionline.org.za
Website: www.nbcrfi.org.za
1. |
For Council Records |
or Employee’s Payment Voucher |
Mark appropriate block "x" |
2. |
Full names and Surname of employee |
3. |
Identity No. |
4. |
Computer No. |
5. |
Clock No. |
6. |
Occupation |
Total |
7. |
State month during which leave is usually due/will be due |
8. |
I/We certify that the abovementioned employee is still in my/our service and qualifies for annual leave which has been granted for the period ……………………………. to …………………………….
9. To be paid directly into bank account in employee’s own name, please supply details |
Bank name |
Type of account |
Current |
1 |
Savings |
2 |
Transmission |
3 |
Branch name |
Branch Code |
Account No. |
Stamp of Company
I/We certify that the abovementioned details are true and correct.
Date ...............................................….
Place .........................................……..
Signature of employer or duly
authorised representative
[Annexure A.6 of Prescribed forms substituted by Notice No. 426, GG42312, dated 15 March 2019]