R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council of SA Leather IndustryThe Agency Shop Collective Agreement for EmployeesExtension to Non-Parties of the Agency Shop Collective Agreement for EmployeesAnnexure A : Exemption and Exemption Appeal Policy and Procedure5. The Exemptions Mandate |
5.1 | The Exemptions Committee is mandated by the Council to consider all party and non-party applications for exemption from the collective agreements concluded in the Bargaining Council. |
5.2 | The Exemptions Committee may delegate any of its functions or duties to a District Committee or any other committee of the Council as the case may be. |
5.3 | The Exemptions Committee will consider and determine applications for exemption in a manner it considers appropriate to determine the application fairly and quickly, which may be limited to a consideration of written motivations or the hearing of oral submissions as the case may be. |
5.4 | The Exemptions Committee, when considering an application for exemption must take into account the exemption criteria. |
5.5 | The Exemptions Committee shall have the power to approve, refuse, partly approve or withdraw an application for exemption |
5.6 | The Exemptions Committee, on not approving an application or part thereof or withdrawing an exemption must provide the Applicant with written reasons for its decision. |