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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing IndustryMain Collective AgreementPart C : Provisions for the KwaZulu-Natal Region29. Rights of Trade Union Representatives |
(1) | Every employer shall permit the election of shop stewards by union members in terms of section 14 (1) of the Act. |
(2) | The nomination, election, terms of office and removal from office of a shop steward shall be governed by the trade union constitution, as lodged with the Registrar of Labour Relations in terms of section 96 of the Act. |
(3) | Every employer shall recognise the right of shop stewards to assist and represent employees who are union members in grievance and disciplinary proceedings. |
(4) | Duly elected shop stewards are each entitled to ten working days paid leave per calendar year pooled per establishment to be used at the discretion of the trade union for bona fide trade union activities, provided that the employer is given at least ten (10) workings days prior notice thereof. (For the purpose of this clause a "working day" shall mean any day excluding a Saturday and Sunday, a public holiday in terms of this part of the Agreement and the period of annual shut-down). |
(5) | A document entitled: "Guidelines for the election and rights of shop stewards" is available to employers and employees from the office of the Council. |
(6) | Access to email and internet facilities for shop stewards will be encouraged, provided that such access shall be during shop stewards’ own time and dealt with in a manner that is not disruptive to production. |