R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Building IndustryNorth and West BolandExtension of Collective Agreement to non-partiesAnnexuresAnnexure A: Rules as amended by the CCMA in the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 updated on November 2019 shall apply for Building Industry Bargaining Council and as well as any further amendmentsPart A: Serving and Filing Documents3. Who must sign documents |
(1) | A document that a party must sign in terms of the Act or these Rules may be signed by the party or by a person entitle! In terms of the Act or these Rules to represent that party in the proceedings. |
(2) | If proceedings are jointly instituted or opposed by more than one employee, documents may be signed by an employee who is mandated by the other employees to sign documents. A written list of the names of the employees who have mandated the employer to sign on their behalf must be attached to the referral document. |