R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council of SA Leather IndustryTanning SectionExtension to Non-Parties Tanning Section Collective AgreementSchedule |
in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, made and entered into between the
South African Tanning Employers' Organisation (SATEO)
(hereafter referred to as the "employers" or the "employers' organisation")
and the
Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers' Union
National Union of Leather and Allied Workers (N.U.L.A.W)
(hereafter referred to as the "employees" or the "trade unions")
being parties to the National Bargaining Council of the Leather Industry of South Africa, to extend and amend the Agreement published under Government Notices No R.1318 of 6 November 1998 as further amended, renewed and re-enacted under Government Notices Nos. R287 of 12 March 1999, R.1017 of 27 August 1999, R.47 of 28 January 2000, R.555 of 9 June 2000, R.128 of 9 February 2001, R.389 of 18 May 2001, R823 of 7 September 2001, R.1230 of 30 November 2001, R.693 of 17 May 2002, R.1531 of 13 December 2002, R.714 of 6 June 2003, R.1357 of 3 October 2003, R.748 of 25 June 2004, R.592 of 24 June 2005, R593 of 24 June 2005, R.335 of 13 April 2006, R.631 of 30 June 2006, R.1269 of 15 December 2006, R.513 of 22 June 2007, R.1068 of 16 November 2007, R.1038 of 3 October 2008, R.474 of 8 May 2009, R.1184 of 18 December 2009, R.1191 of 17 December 2010, R.523 of 24 June 2011, R.886 of 28 October 2011, R886 of 2 November 2012, R.770 of 18 October 2013, R.789 of 17 October 2014, R.1045 of 30 October 2015, R.764 of 24 June 2016, R.1281 of 21 October 2016, 757 of 29 September 2017 and R.1229 of 16 November 2018.