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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)Codes of Good PracticeCollective Bargaining, Industrial Action and PicketingPart D : Industrial Action : Strikes and Lockouts23. Peace and stability and communication during a strike or a lockout |
(1) | In accordance with the guideline that the parties should develop rules regulating peaceful and protected industrial action, which includes picketing, those rules, depending on the circumstances, may include the establishment of a peace and stability committee made up of union officials, shop stewards, employer representatives, the conciliator or facilitator, a person representing the private security company and a person appointed by the South African Police Services in accordance with the Accord. |
(2) | At the very least, the rules should include the following: |
(a) | The trade union, employer or employers' organisation should identify persons and alternates with whom the parties can communicate during a strike or lockout and provide each other with contact details. |
(b) | The contact details of the trade union and employer representatives should be forwarded to the conciliator or facilitator in order that the conciliator or facilitator is able to re-institute negotiations during the course of the strike or lockout. |
(c) | The employer should then request the South African Police Services to appoint a police officer in accordance with the Accord with whom the trade union and employer representatives can liaise during the currency of the strike and to provide that person with the contact details of the employer and trade union representatives and those of the conciliator or facilitator. |
(d) | If there is a significant pr vate security presence, the employer should ensure that a person with authority in the private security company Is identified as a representative and that that person's contact details are forwarded to the trade union, the conciliator or facilitator and the South African Police Services. |