R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Building Industry, Cape of Good HopeExtension of Main Amending Collective Agreement to Non-partiesAnnexure A : Rules for Conciliating and Arbitrating Disputes in the Building Industry Bargaining Council (Rules)Arrangement of RulesPart A : Serving and Filing Documents8. How to seek condonation for documents delivered late |
(1) | This rule applies to any document, including a referral or an application, delivered outside of a time period prescribed n the Act or these Rules. |
(2) | A party must apply for condonation, in terms of rule 30, when delivering the document to the Council. |
(3) | An application for condonation must set out the grounds for seeking condonation and most include details of the following: |
(a) | The degree of lateness; |
(b) | the reasons for the lateness and degree of fault: |
(c) | the referring party's prospects and succeeding with the referral and obtaining the relief sought against the other party; |
(d) | any prejudice to the other parties; and |
(e) | any other relevant factors. |