R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Electrical Industry of South AfricaExtension of Consolidated Main Collective Agreement to Non-PartiesPart 1: Scope of Application, Definitions, General Terms and Conditions of Employment32A. Compliance by Contractors sub contracting work to another person or to a subcontractor (including Temporary Employment Services) |
No contractor shall enter into an agreement to subcontract electrical work to another person, subcontractor, or temporary employment service that is subject to the provisions of the Council's Main Collective Agreement, unless at the time of entering into the agreement, the contractor informs the Council of such agreement with the subcontractor and the details of the site where the subcontractor is operational.
Provided further that no person may utilise a temporary employment service for work in connection with the Electrical Industry as defined in the Council's main collective agreement, unless both the person and the temporary employment service are, at all times during the use of the temporary employment service, employers in good standing with the Council.
The provisions of Section 198 of the Act read with Clause 38 of the Council's main collective agreement shall apply to any person who enters an agreement to utilise a temporary employment service for work in connection with the Electrical Industry.
[Clause 32A of Part 1 inserted by section 7 of Notice No. R. 1585, GG45617, dated 10 December 2021]