R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council for the Electrical Industry of South AfricaExtension of Consolidated Main Collective Agreement to Non-PartiesPart lll: Sick Benefit Fund Rules for the National Bargaining Council for the Electrical Industry of S.A.7. General Provisions relating to the Payment of Claims |
(1) | Administrative requirements for lodging of and payment of a claim: |
(a) | the requisite claim form accompanied by, an authentic medical certificate from the date of commencement of sick leave; regardless of the period of absence. |
(b) | the claimant has been declared unfit for duty and booked off for at least part of a working day (see point (h) below) by a registered medical practitioner/nurse. |
(c) | the claim must have been lodged within 90 days of the first absence from employment due to illness and/or injury; |
(d) | contributions must be up to date and no claim shall be accepted for periods for which contributions are in arrears; |
(e) | all valid claims will be paid in respect of any period of authorised absence from the commencement of employment up to a maximum of 130 days in any 365-days cycle. |
(f) | a claim will be paid from the date of consultation to and including the last working day immediately prior to the employee being declared fit for duty as stated on the medical practitioner's certificate. |
(g) | where an employee works a part of the shift on the day he is first absent, it shall count as a day of absence due to sickness, and that part of the shift, shall be paid for by the Fund. |
(h) | all valid claims will be paid in respect of any annual leave period in which an employee was declared unfit for duty. |