Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesMotor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO)Extension to Non-Parties of the Main Collective AgreementDivision D: Special Provisions relating to SectorsClause 2: Definitions |
For the purposes of this Division—
'Sector 1'
means manufacturing and vehicle body building establishments (Chapter II & III) i.e. vehicle body builders; trailers and caravan manufacturers and warranty repairs; vehicle components and accessories; fibre-glass component manufacturers, repairs and sales;
'Sector 2'
means remanufacturing (production) establishments (Chapter V), i.e. component remanufacturers; brake, clutch and radiator remanufacturers; drive-train remanufacturers; and steering remanufacturers;
'Sector 3'
means reconditioning establishments (Chapter IV), i.e. automotive engineers; fuel injection/diesel pumps; gearbox/transmission; turbochargers; and spring-smiths;
'Sector 4'
means service and repair establishments (Chapter I), i.e. motor cycle sales and repairers; battery sales and repairers; tyre sales. repairs and wheel alignment, tyre retreaders; exhaust, tow-bar and shock-absorber fitters; radio, alarms and immobilizer fitters; sun roof fitters; air-conditioning fitters; body repairers; upholsterer and motor trimmers, auto electrical repairers; auto valet and steam cleaners; prop-shafts and CV joints repairers; motor plastic component repairers, glass fitters; carburetor sales and repairers; drive-train fitters and repairers; steering fitters and repairers; motor vehicle, bus, truck and tractor repairers;
'Sector 5'
means fuel dealers, service stations and related establishments (Chapter I);
'Sector 6'
means dealers sales and distribution establishments (Chapter I), i.e. used motor vehicle, bus truck and tractor sales and repairers; franchised motor vehicle, bus, truck, tractors and parts sales and repairers; caravan sales and repairers; and agricultural equipment sales and repairers;
'Sector 7'
means automotive parts, accessories, equipment and tools establishments (Chapter I), i.e. motor parts, accessories, equipment and tools; auto-breakers and used parts dealer establishments;"