R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesMotor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO)The Autoworkers Provident Fund AgreementExtension to Non-Parties of the Autoworkers Provident Fund Collective AgreementClause 6 - Contributions |
(1) | Every employee for whom membership of the Fund is compulsory in terms of clause 5(1) or every voluntary member In terms of clause 5(2) of this Agreement, shall contribute 7,5 per cent of his pensionable remuneration to the Fund In respect of each week of employment in the Motor Industry; provided that where an employee receives or is entitled to receive wages for less than 23 hours in any week, no contributions shall be payable by him in respect of such week. |
(2) | The contributions specified in sub clause (1} shall, subject to the proviso contained in sub clause (1), be deducted by the employer from every employee's wages on the first pay-day after this Agreement comes into operation, and on each pay-day thereafter. |
(3) | Every employer shall contribute and add to the contributions deducted in terms of sub clause (2) an amount equal to 8% of the member's pensionable remuneration. |
(4) | The total amount of contributions deducted from the earnings of employees and contributed by employers in terms of sub clause (2) and (3) of this clause shall be paid each month to the Secretary of the Regional Council for the Region within the area of jurisdiction within which the employer's establishment is situated, and each such payment shall be accompanied by a written statement containing the following details: |
(a) | Name, initials and national identification number of each employee; |
(b) | amount of contributions remitted in respect of each employee. |
(c) | the date on which service began or service ended, in the case of employees whose employment began or ended since the details were last submitted. |
(5) | Employee and employer contributions (contributions) payable in terms of this clause shall be payable by the employer no later than 30 (thirty) days after of the month immediately following that to which the contributions relate. The employer shall, together with the contributions payable under this clause, submit a statement containing the details referred to in sub clause 4 of this Agreement to the Secretary of the relevant Regional Council. |
(a) | The present email and postal addresses of the Secretaries of the various Regional Councils are as follows: |
Region EC: |
PO Box 7270, Gqeberha, 6055;
Region KZN: |
PO Box 10230, Ashwood, 3605;
Region FS & NC: |
PO Box 910, Bloemfontein, 9300;
Region Highveld: |
PO Box 2578, Randburg, 2125;
Region Northern: |
PO Box 13970, Hatfield 0028;
Region WP: |
PO Box 17, Bellville, 7535. |
(b) | Forms prepared specifically for the furnishing of the details required by this clause may be obtained from the Regional Secretary of the Region concerned. |
(6) | The contributions payable by employers as specified in sub clause (3) shall not be refundable. |
(7) | The contributions collected by Regional Councils in terms of this clause shall be paid to the Fund. |
(8) | Compound interest on late payments or unpaid amounts and values shall be calculated for the period from the first day of the month following the expiration of the period in respect of which the relevant amounts or values are payable or transferable until the date of receipt by the fund at the rate prescribed. |
(9) | Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause an employer who has been discovered in terms of the provisions of the Collective Administrative Agreement between the parties, shall be liable for any amounts due in respect of provident fund contributions, excluding contributions for which the employee is liable in terms of this Agreement or any other Agreement relating to the provident fund, from commencement of employment in respect of each employee including penalties and interest payable to the provident fund in terms of the PFA in respect of such employee. The provisions of this clause are subject to the respective employee electing in writing within 30 days of the discovery referred to Administrative Agreement sub-clause 10(1)(b) whether to enforce or the waive compliance with the provisions of this clause by the employer. The contributions will be waived should no submission by respective employees be received by the Regional Secretary within the 30 days. |