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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesBargaining Council for the Building Industry, Cape of Good HopeExtension to Non-parties of the Main Consolidated Collective AgreementAnnexure A: Rules for Conciliating and Arbitrating disputes in the Building Industry Bargaining Council (Rules)Part B: Conciliation of Disputes15. Conciliation proceedings may not be disclosed |
(1) | Conciliation proceedings must be treated as private and confidential and must be conducted on a without prejudice basis. No person may refer to anything said at conciliation proceedings during any subsequent proceedings, unless the parties agree to this in writing or if they are ordered to do so by a court of law. |
(2) | No person, including a Council arbitrator, may be called as a witness during any subsequent proceedings in the Council or in any court to give evidence about what transpired during the conciliation proceedings unless ordered to do so by a court of law or by the Council arbitrator. |