R 385
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)NoticesNational Bargaining Council of the Leather Industry of South Africa:Footwear SectionExtension of Period of Operation of the Footwear Section Collective AgreementNotice No. R. 411 of 2012 |
Notice No. R. 411
1 June 2012
National Bargaining Council for the Leather Industry of South Africa: Extension of Period of Operation of the Footwear Section Collective Agreement
I, IAN ANTHONY MACUN, Director: Collective Bargaining, duly authorised thereto by the Minister of Labour, hereby, in terms of section 32(6)(a)(i) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, extend the periods fixed in Government Notices Nos. R. 906 of 16 September 2005, R. 849 of 25 August 2006, R. 63 of 2 February 2007, R. 512 of 22 June 2007 and R. 1070 of 16 November 2007, R. 1175 of 7 November 2008, R. 479 of 8 May 2009, R. 1152 of 11 December 2009 and R. 1188 of 17 December 2010, R. 522 of 24 June 2011 by a further period ending 30 June 2013.
Ian Macun
Director: Collective Bargaining